
At LWTech we take your concerns seriously. Depending on the type of concern you wish to report, we have different offices responsible for investigating and responding to your report. Please review the reporting options below and select the one that best matches your situation. If you are not sure which option to select or need assistance in filing your report, please contact a reporting contact below.

Reporting Contacts


Reporting Options

Grade Appeal and Change Procedures

Students have the right to appeal a grade assigned under specific circumstances, which are outlined on the grade appeal and change procedure webpage. The grade appeal process is not an online reporting form. The Office of Instruction will handle all academic concerns.

Students needing assistance with the appeal process due to disability or language barrier should contact the Director of Student Development before beginning the process.

Learn more about the grade appeal and change procedures process.

Katie Peacock, M.Ed
Director of Student Development
(425) 739-8362
West Building, W207

Accessibility Reporting

Please use the online Accessibility and Disability Complaint form to report accessibility concerns related to disability accommodations, digital resources, physical area issues on campus, and other accessibility related concerns.

File an Accessibility Report


Accessibility Policies, Guidelines, and Resources

Bias Incident Reporting

Please use the Bias Incident Reporting form to report a bias incident. Incidents involving students will be shared with the Bias Response Team (BRT) for review. Incidents involving employees will be routed to the Human Resources Department. 

File a Bias Incident Report


Learn more about the Bias Response Team.

Formal Student Complaints

Use the online Student Formal Complaint form to appeal or grieve a college action (excluding grades and student conduct decisions). Examples of grievances, appeals, and complaints are:

  • Grievance about college process
  • Grievance about college personnel
  • Grievance about another student
  • Grievance about a FERPA concern
File a Formal Complaint


Learn more about the formal complaints process.

Accident/Incident Reporting

Visit the Campus Safety webpage to download and complete the Accident/Incident Reporting form. Faculty, staff, students, and guests are encouraged to report all crimes and public safety-related incidents on the Lake Washington Institute of Technology campuses immediately.

To report a crime or other emergency on the LWTech Kirkland campus, call 911 (on campus 9-911). Then call LWTech Campus Security at: (425) 739-8224.

Learn more about the Accident/Incident Reporting process.

CARE Reporting

Please use the online CARE reporting form to contact the Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) team about students of concern. The team will discuss reports during the next regularly scheduled meeting or during an emergency meeting. Typically, the CARE Team will identify strategies for intervention and provide a member of the team to consult with the faculty or staff person who initiated the contact within one week depending on the severity of the issue.

File a CARE Report


Learn more about the student behavioral concerns process.

Student Code of Conduct

Please use the online Student Conduct reporting form to report students who may have violated the student code of conduct. Student conduct reports may also be made to the Student Conduct Officer.

Learn more about the student conduct reporting process

Sheila Walton, Ed.D.
Director, Office of Student Life,
Student Conduct Officer 
(425) 739-8314 
East Building, E126 

File a Student Conduct Report

Title IX & Sexual Misconduct

Please use the online Title IX Complaint form to report concerns of sexual harassment or sexual violence.

The college's responsibility is to respond promptly and effectively. If the college knows or reasonably should know about sexual harassment or sexual violence that creates a hostile environment, the college must take immediate action to eliminate the sexual harassment or sexual violence, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects

Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Reports may also be made to the Title IX Compliance Officer.

Learn more about the Title IX process 

Meena Park 
Title IX Coordinator
(425) 739-8112
West Building, 304B

File a Title IX Complaint Report