Student Code of Conduct

The State of Washington operates Lake Washington Institute of Technology to provide programs of instruction in higher education and related community services. Like any other institution that has its own special purposes, the college must maintain conditions conducive to the effective performance of its functions. Consequently, the college has special expectations regarding the conduct of the participants in the college community.

Admission to the college carries the expectation that students will conduct themselves as responsible college community members. This includes an expectation that students will:

  1. Obey appropriate laws.
  2. Follow college and department rules.
  3. Maintain a high standard of integrity and honesty.

The college will deal with violations of college rules or conduct that interferes with the operation of college affairs. The college may impose sanctions independently of any action taken by civil or criminal authorities. Provisions of this code are subject to change. The college may report misconduct of students enrolled through the high school programs office to the student's parents. The college may report misconduct to any parent who claims the student as a dependent or as otherwise provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1972, as amended.

These definitions and policies apply, except in Title IX proceedings. Supplemental policies for Title IX proceedings begin in Policy 5.P.120 (WAC 495D-121-680).

Student Code of Conduct


Academic Dishonesty Program Dismissal/Appeal and Final Grade Appeal

Situations of academic dishonesty and program dismissal will be handled by the division of Instruction. Policies and processes related to this can be found on the Grade Appeal and Change Procedures webpage.

Student Conduct Contacts

  • Initial student conduct reports are typically investigated and adjudicated by the LWTech Conduct Officer:
  • Initial student conduct decisions that are appealed are directed to the LWTech Conduct Review Officer:

LWTech Conduct Review Committee

The Student Conduct Review Committee hears appeals for the following circumstances:

  • Disciplinary suspensions in excess of ten (10) instructional days
  • Dismissals
  • Discipline cases referred to the committee by the Student Conduct Officer, the Conduct Review Officer, or the President

Conduct Review Committee Members

  • Chair: Ms. Meena Park, Vice President of Human Resources
  • Faculty Representative: Ms. Andrea Brady, Nursing Faculty
  • Faculty Representative: Mr. Bob Mandy, Architectural Technology Faculty
  • Student Representative: Ms. Paige Miller
  • Student Representative: Mr. Krist Olhouser


You are encouraged to report potential violations of the Student Code of Conduct online. If there is an urgent on-campus concern, please contact Campus Public Safety at (425) 739-8224 or 9-1-1 if appropriate.