Library Policies & Procedures

The Library values, respects, and celebrates a diverse community of LWTech students, staff, and faculty. We offer collections, resources, and services which encourage exploration and discovery in order to prepare lifelong learners for today's careers and tomorrow's opportunities. We aim to provide library materials to support the programs and disciplines of our school, as well as provide cultural representation of our student body. We refer to the Library Bill of Rights in thinking about and evolving our policies and procedures, which guide our everyday practice in the library. 

View the full mission and vision statement on the library homepage

1. Authorized Borrowers 

Borrowing privileges are available to the LWTech community, specifically: 

  • Current Students 
  • Employees 
  • LWTech Distance Learners 
  • Students from all Washington State Community and Technical Colleges 
  • WANIC Faculty 

Non-LWTech community members may use print books and magazines while in the library only. They may use DVDs and headphones while in the library by leaving a photo ID with the Circulation Desk. A $1 printing credit may be obtained for free from the Circulation Desk.

Computer stations may be used by anyone in the library so long as the user: 

  • Abides by the campus Code of Conduct for computer use.
  • Gives priority to LWTech students.

2. Loan Periods and Renewals

For more details on the library's collections and loan periods, see Our Collections.

Loan Periods for Students 

  • Course Reserves: Varies
  • Borrowing periods are arranged by the instructor but are generally for two hours of in-library use only
  • Books: Due last day of the quarter 
  • Magazines, journals, and newspapers (physical copies): In-library use only
  • Many magazines, journals, and newspapers can also be accessed electronically through the library's Research Databases 
  • Laptop computers and graphic calculators: due last day of the quarter, availability not guaranteed 
  • DVDs: One week
  • Only 3 DVDs may be checked out at once 
  • Faculty restricted Videos and DVDs: In-library use only 
  • Video cameras, digital cameras, web cameras, microphones, projectors: One week

Loan Periods for Faculty and Staff 

Alternate loan periods can be arranged between librarians and faculty/staff for the following items:

  • Books: Due last day of the quarter 
  • Magazines, journals, and newspapers (physical copies): In-library use only
  • Many magazines, journals, and newspapers can also be accessed electronically through the library's Research Databases 
  • Laptop Computers: Two weeks 
  • DVDs: One week
  • Only 3 DVDs may be checked out at once 
  • Video cameras, digital cameras, web cameras, microphones, projectors, graphing calculators: One quarter 


All library items can be renewed in person or online one time. Please note that all items are due on the last day of each quarter and cannot be renewed beyond this date without talking to library staff. We do allow renewals over the phone.

Equipment Borrowing Policies 

Laptop, DVD, calculator, and equipment policies must be signed by all patrons before initial checkout of these material types. Physical copies of the policies are available at the information desk.

Other Borrowing Policies 

  • Borrowers are responsible for returning materials by the due date. Book drop boxes are located in the library and outside the library entrance.
  • Reserves must be returned to a staff member at the Information Desk. 
  • If a borrower needs a Reserve item longer than the borrowing period, they may return the item to the Information Desk and check it out again, provided that no one else has requested the item.
  • Borrowers may place a hold on physical collection books and DVDs (excluding reserves) online via Library Search or in person with a library staff member and will be notified when the items are available.
  • Letters outlining replacement costs and processing fees for non-returned items will be sent out each quarter. Please see below for more information on overdue items.

3. Overdue Fines

As of Spring 2021, the library has removed overdue/late fines and fees. Damaged and lost policies are still in place (as described in Section 4, below). Overdue items at the end of a quarter will be assumed lost and treated as such. The ensuing fine(s) can be removed upon the return of the item(s) in good condition.

4. Damage and Lost Policies

The following policies pertain to students, faculty, and staff. 

Damaged Items 

The LWTech Library reserves the right to assess items for damage upon their return. 

Damage for books can include, but is not limited to:

  • water damage
  • writing in the book 
  • dirty condition 
  • odor 
  • pages torn/missing 

Damage for equipment (including DVDs) can include, but is not limited to:

  • not working 
  • won't play 
  • won't turn on 
  • broken case/screen 

If a book or DVD is deemed to be damaged beyond usefulness, the patron must either:

  • A) Pay the full replacement cost of the item, plus a $5 processing fee. 
  • B) Replace with a new copy of the damaged item, plus a $5 processing fee. 

If equipment (other than DVDs) is damaged, the patron can only pay the full replacement cost of the item plus a $5 processing fee. It is the responsibility of the student checking the item out to call attention to any previous damage to the item prior to the current checkout. Previous damage will be noted by a staff member. 

For students, failure to pay the replacement cost or replace the item with a new copy and pay the $5 processing fee by the end of the quarter will result in a hold being placed on the student's record with collection fees. 

Lost Items 

If a patron has lost a book or other item, they are responsible for informing the library of this fact. If a book or DVD is lost, the patron must either:

  • A) Pay the full replacement cost of the item, plus a $5 processing fee. 
  • B) Replace with a new copy of the lost item, plus a $5 processing fee. 

If equipment is lost, the patron can only pay the full replacement cost of the item plus a $5 processing fee.

For students, failure to pay the replacement cost or replace the item with a new copy and pay the $5 processing fee by the end of the quarter will result in a hold being placed on the student's record with collection fees.

Note: Any student with an outstanding bill at the college, including the coverage of lost/damaged items, will not be allowed to register for classes until the bill has been paid in full.

5. Patron Privacy

In upholding and supporting intellectual freedom, the Library respects and values the privacy of all patrons. Therefore, the Library seeks to reduce the amount of personally identifiable information collected and only retains information relevant to library operations. Local safeguards, as well as federal and state policies, are in place to protect this personal information and library records. 

Any requests for such personal information or records must be made in writing and should be submitted to the librarians. Please contact Katherine Kelley or Sue Wozniak for help. 

What Information Do We Collect About Our Users?

The Library collects both personally identifiable information and anonymous information in order to provide library service to users. Personally identifiable information is any information that could potentially identify a specific individual. The library strives to collect the least amount of personally identifiable information possible in order to provide services. We avoid creating unnecessary records. Much of the information is provided automatically by LionsLink. Collected information includes: 

  • Name 
  • Address 
  • Personal Phone 
  • LWTech Email 
  • CTClink ID
  • Items currently checked-out, requested, and canceled holds 
  • Overdue items (until returned) 
  • Fine history (until fines are cleared) 

In addition, IP addresses may be collected and used for authentication purposes when users are accessing the Library off-campus. IP addresses are anonymous and do not specifically identify an individual. 

Note that informaton concerning holds is anonymized when a hold is fulfilled or canceled. 

Who Has Access to Library User Information? 

All library user records are confidential. Library records may only be disclosed to: 

  • Library staff performing job duties 
  • Account holders upon proof of identity 
  • Anyone with permission from the account holder 

All circulation information/history is removed after an item is checked back in. In the event of request for information from local law enforcement, college leadership always consults with the Attorney General. Each situation is handled uniquely. 

Some basic information (name, email, and ID) about students and employees is shared with King County Library System (KCLS) to allow access to KCLS materials via an official partnership. 

Library Materials and Borrowing History 

The library does not keep a record of users borrowing history beyond operational requirements. Once a user returns an item, it is removed from their account and the borrowing data is anonymized. Items with lost or damaged fees will remain on a user's account until paid.

Public Computers and Wireless Network 

The library has a shared login account for the public to access computers in the library. The library does not keep a record of user activities on any public computer or on our wireless network. Any record of browsing history and activities on our public computers or wireless network are removed when a user logs out or disconnects. 

Study Room Reservations 

Information about users' study room reservations (including name, email, address, phone number, and notes) is automatically deleted from the Library's email. Name and email are the only required information. Patron's initials are the only identifying information posted near the study room. 

Surveillance Cameras 

There are two security cameras located just inside and just outside the library's upper floor entrance. 

Video footage is kept for five days. Video is only available to view by Campus Public Safety staff. A valid subpoena, national security letter, or warrant is required to view footage from indoor cameras. 

Photography in the Library 

Library staff may, on occasion, take photos of the library, including of its displays and during its events, for marketing and communication purposes. 

If photography of students and/or photography of student's intellectual property is disclosed, the student must have signed a release form granting permission. Permission for minors, such as LWTech high school students or the children in the Early Learning Center, must be obtained from parents or guardians as well. 

Children's Privacy 

The safety and privacy of children is very important to us. Individuals who bring children to campus are responsible for their supervision at all times and may not leave a child unattended. Individuals who fail to properly supervise children on campus will be referred to security personnel and are subject to student disciplinary sanctions, as appropriate. Refer to LWTech Policies and Procedures for more information regarding children on campus. 

College Website and Library Webpages 

We encourage users to become familiar with the college's Website Privacy Policy, where the library's webpages are found. 


The college website is encrypted with HTTPS. All communications between a user's browser and the college website are private. Searching in Library Search is also encrypted. 


Some websites linked to by the library, including Library Search, use what are called “cookies.” A cookie is a small file created by a website and saved by a user's browser each time a site is visited. Cookies are stored on a user's computer and can transmit personal information. Cookies are used to remember information about preferences and customization on the pages users visit. Users can refuse to accept cookies, disable cookies, and remove cookies from a user's hard drive by following the instructions provided by their browser. Some third-party services may not work if cookies are disabled

Data and Network Security 

The library is committed to data security and keeping a user's personally identifiable information that is collected by our website safe. The library monitors network activity to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or otherwise cause damage. The library operates secure data networks protected by industry standard firewalls and password protection systems. Only authorized individuals have access to the information provided by our users. 

The college's website uses cookies to track visitors and user behavior on the website. This includes the library's pages. 

Non-Library Websites 

Non-library websites may be linked through the library's webpages and may not follow the same privacy policies as the college. Non-library websites links may be found throughout the library's webpages. 

Visitors to such sites are advised to check the privacy statements of such sites and to be cautious about providing personally identifiable information without a clear understanding of how the information will be used. 

Third-Party Vendors 

The library works with third-party vendors to provide online learning, digital collections, streaming media content, analytics, and more. These third-party vendors include library databases and citation tools. 

When a user leaves the library website, their interaction with these systems will be governed by their individual privacy policies. Some of these vendors may collect and share information users provide to them or require users to create a personal account in order to use their services. Check the vendor's privacy statement and terms of service to learn more about how user data is tracked, stored, and used by them. 

We will soon be providing links to individual privacy policies and terms of statements for most of our third-party vendors for users' review. Users should inquire with the vendors directly if they have any specific questions about their data collection and management policies.

6. Patron Conduct and Etiquette

Use of the library is consistent with LWTech Employee Ethical Conduct policy and Student Conduct Code. Patrons are responsible for their behavior and are expected to comply with campus rules and regulations, to use good judgment, common sense, and be considerate of others. Any individual violating this code or college policies may be denied use of the library or its services. Further actions involving students will follow the procedures noted in the Student Handbook.

  • Disruptive behavior is not allowed, (e.g. abusive language or aggressive action directed to library personnel or other library patrons)
  • Noise, including conversations and phone calls, should be kept to a reasonable level in all areas of the library,except for the Computer Lab, which is a quiet zone.
  • “Leave No Trace” policy: Do not leave behind wrappers, packaging, cups, lids, crumbs or any evidence of food or beverage
  • Children (under the age of 16 and not enrolled in classes) may not be left unattended and, if found, Campus Security will be contacted
  • The library follows campus guidelines in creating a drug and alcohol-free campus. Therefore, drugs and alcohol are not permitted in the library
  • Computers and electronic resources are intended for library-related activities:
  • Use is limited to legal activities No viewing of pornography
  • Computer users are not allowed to install programs or alter system configurations, defaults, system settings, system files, program files, data files, desktop configuration or colors. See the LWTech Information Systems Policy for further information

7. Collection Development Procedures

The primary goal of the library collection is to support the educational efforts of students, faculty, and staff at Lake Washington Institute of Technology. The collection will emphasize library resources which directly relate to the classes being offered. The purpose of this procedure is to guide the library's collection building efforts and improve the library's ability to assist the students, faculty, and staff of LWTech.

Intellectual Freedom 

Section II of the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights states that “Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be prescribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.” The library will support this statement by making every effort to collect materials that cover opposing viewpoints on various topics.

If any Lake Washington Institute of Technology student, faculty, or staff member has a complaint regarding the library's materials, they can request a meeting with the librarians ( to discuss the issue(s).

Collection Development Budget 

The library receives funding from the college to purchase or provide access to new print and electronic materials. No specific budget is allocated for individual disciplines. The Lake Washington College Foundation has provided support for specific library material collections, including the Indigenous People's Collection, laptop computers, and an international collection to represent the diversity of ethnicities and countries of origin of our student population.

Collection Development Responsibility 

The library encourages all users to contact the Faculty Librarians to request any items that they feel will add value to the collection. The item(s) will be acquired if three criteria are met:

  • The necessary funding is available. 
  • The item(s) meets the standards established by this collection development procedure. 
  • The information contained within the item(s) is not already adequately covered by the existing collection.

Ultimate responsibility for collection development lies with the Faculty Librarians. 

Selection Guidelines 

Selection of library materials rests with the teaching faculty and Faculty Librarians, and is followed via these guidelines:

  • Support of the LWTech educational curriculum 
  • Correlation or fit with the existing collection 
  • Reflection of the diverse and complex student body and academic community at LWTech 
  • Appropriate level 
  • Accuracy and objectivity 
  • Reputation of author or publisher 
  • The currency of the material 
  • Cost 
  • Demand 
  • Condition 
  • Format serving widest possible patron base 

Procedures by Format of Material 


In general, single copies of books are purchased. If a topic is very popular, the library will consider purchasing multiple copies.


Textbooks for specific courses will not normally be purchased. In rare cases, textbooks for specific courses may be purchased for the Reserves Collection, provided there is available funding and at the discretion of the Faculty Librarians. 

Electronic Resources 

Electronic Resources are defined as any material requiring a computer or digital device for access. The library shall choose to acquire, or access electronic resources based on the above selection guidelines. The Faculty Librarians strive to purchase multi-user licenses for digital format resources when available.

DVDs and Blu-Rays 

DVDs and Blu-Rays will be purchased on request basis only, upon the request of a faculty member, or if there are specific collections that could be supported. DVDs will be purchased upon the request of a faculty member if the video meets the guidelines established in this policy.

Library Archive 

The library includes an archive, which is used to store high-value technology items and historic documents related to the library and college. Visit the Archive page for details about this collection and to learn how to submit materials to the library for inclusion.

Foreign Language Materials 

Items written in languages other than English will be acquired when they support Foreign Language/ESL curriculum requirements.

Collection Maintenance (“Weeding”) 

Annually, Faculty Librarians will evaluate the collection to identify materials for withdrawal. The same guidelines apply to the existing collection as to new purchases, and materials that no longer meet the collection policy will be removed. For example, materials that are outdated, damaged, seldom circulated, or contain inaccurate information will be removed. Faculty members will be consulted when materials in their disciplines are being considered for withdrawal.

Procedure Review 

Items may be placed on reserve in the library by faculty and staff. A Reserve Request Form is available at the Information Desk. Duration for reserve items varies and is at the discretion of the faculty.

Databases and Database Vendors 

The library subscribes to databases to support students' academic research, as well as other school assignments. Due to the cost of databases, subscriptions will be prioritized if they are supporting more than one academic program to allow for equitable treatment of disciplines at the college.

The library will regularly review databases to ensure they are accessible, user-friendly, representative of diverse voices, and offer multiple formats of content for supporting student engagement. 

Database Privacy 

Database subscriptions may be avoided / contracts may be severed if vendors engage in unethical behavior, including but not limited to violating user privacy, as outlined in Section 5 above. Librarians regularly review database platforms in this context.

Prohibitive Costs 

If any academic program is interested in a database and the library cannot afford a subscription, the academic program may subscribe to the platform directly, or collaborate with the library to provide financial support. The library will work with the vendor to ensure the database is configured appropriately and the library will ensure visibility of the database on its website. 

7a. Diversity and Social Justice Collection Development Policy

The Diversity and Social Justice (DSJ) Collection exists to support the learning and development of students and faculty at Lake Washington Institute of Technology.

The DSJ collection includes select materials that align with the categories found in the Diversity and Social Justice Finding Aid. The DSJ collection is curated by the LWTech librarians in consideration of the Diversity and Social Justice course requirement and to prepare students for working in a “culturally diverse global workforce” (Diversity and Social Justice Requirement). The audience for this collection is LWTech students, faculty, and staff.

The Diversity and Social Justice Collection ties into the strategic plan of the college by providing students access to diversity and social justice materials that will assist them to “lead with racial equity” (Strategic Vision, Mission, Vision, Core Values and Core Themes, 2021). Another goal of the collection is to support the diversity and social justice education of students, faculty, and staff by exposing them to multiple perspectives within the realm of diversity and social justice topics. 

The LWTech librarians will engage in identifying and reviewing titles, authors, and topics. They will research criticisms and reviews.

If a patron wishes to challenge book or e-resource material in the collection, please state specific page numbers or details and email the librarians at

All gifts and donations are permanent property of the Lake Washington Institute of Technology. If you have requests for purchases, please email the librarians at 

Collection Guidelines 

The following were adapted from Detroit Public Library. 

  • Popular demand of the material 
  • Accurate, current, and impartial content, or content where the bias is clearly stated
  • Authority and reputation of author(s), creator(s), composer(s), director(s), or publisher(s)
  • Suitability for LWTech students, faculty, and staff 
  • Library budget and space limitations
  • Availability from vendor(s) and/or publishers
  • Quality of production, including ease of use
  • Relation to items already in the collection
  • Local or regional interest or significance
  • Licensing requirements

If you have comment or feedback, please email the librarians: The librarians may follow up to request additional information. 

8. Copyright

As a college devoted to providing the highest level of instruction by its faculty and education for its students, LWTech respects the rights of content creators and facilitates compliance with the provisions of the United States Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code, Sect. 101 et. seq). LWTech recognizes the Copyright Act of 1976, including the Fair Use doctrine (Section 107) and subsequent amendments including the TEACH Act, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, and Guidelines for Off-the-Air Recording of Broadcast Programming for Education Purposes.

Specifically, the LWTech Library: 

  • Informs and educates students, faculty, and staff about their rights and privileges in using copyright-restricted material, including the limited exclusive rights of copyright holders;
  • Provides resources and tools for members of the LWTech community to facilitate the adoption of copyright materials into their physical, online, and hybrid classes;
  • Facilitates the use of materials currently licensed by LWTech; 
  • Identifies individuals at the college who can advise faculty and staff regarding application of copyright law;
  • Refers complex issues to legal counsel. 

The use of copyrighted material is allowable in each of the following instances: 

  • Fair Use: Copyrighted materials may be copied or otherwise used without the copyright owner's permission where such use meets the four-part test for fair use. This test considers:
  • (1) the purpose and character of the use; 
  • (2) the nature of the copyrighted work; 
  • (3) the amount, substantiality, and portion used; 
  • (4) the effect of the use on the potential market. The test is fact-specific. If you have questions, please consult a Faculty Librarian.
  • The TEACH Act Circumstances (distance education): All portions of a non-dramatic work may be transmitted as long as the display is an integral part of the class and teaching content, the transmission is solely for students, the performance is live or asynchronous, and technological measures are implemented that prevent retention of the work in accessible form and prevent further dissemination of the work.
  • Face-to-face teaching in a classroom or similar place: Generally, performance or display of a lawfully made copy of a non-dramatic performance in the classroom or similar place is permissible under 17 U.S.C. § 110.
  • Library records: The library has the authority to make certain copyrighted material available to faculty, staff, and students under 17 U.S.C. § 108. Faculty should, whenever possible, provide a hyperlink to library materials as part of any web-based instructional activity.
  • With permission of the owner: In instances where faculty, staff, or students cannot use legally use copyrighted material, they should seek permission of the owner. 

9. Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services and Reciprocal Borrowing

Interlibrary loan (ILL) services are available for faculty, staff, and students who may need books or articles that are not available within the LWTech Library.

Delivery times for interlibrary loan items are unique to each item and will be advised on an individual basis. Delivery of physical materials often takes 7-10 days, while electronic articles are often delivered within 1-2 days of the request. 

Cost, if any, associated with interlibrary loan is determined on a case by case basis and any amount beyond postage will be paid by the patron requesting the item.

Requests for interlibrary loan can be placed on the library website.

Reciprocal Borrowing 

In accordance with a reciprocal agreement between several Washington State Community and Technical Colleges, borrowing privileges may be extended to persons if they are an enrolled student or faculty member from another state community and technical college. To initiate reciprocal borrowing privileges, the student must present their college student ID card and demonstrate evidence of current enrollment at their college. 

The list of colleges reciprocal borrowing is available upon request by emailing 

10. Library Study Rooms

The library's study rooms are intended to support academic pursuits, foster inclusivity, and be safe spaces for work and creativity. Usage is not to exceed capacity. Study rooms are available to students, faculty, staff, and non-LWTech community members. Priority use of the rooms will be given to students. 


Our reservation system and study room availability are regularly changing due to needs at the college. Please visit the library Reserve Rooms page to learn about and make study room reservations. 

Drop-In Guidelines 

  • When a study room is not reserved, drop-in use is permitted for groups on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Groups 15 minutes late or later will be asked to surrender the room to drop-in groups present and waiting for the facility.

Revocation of Privileges of Room Usage 

Library staff may revoke access if violations of the following guidelines occur: 

  • Users will leave the room in a clean and orderly condition by picking up and disposing of trash in the provided containers, erasing the whiteboard, and moving the furniture back to its original arrangement.
  • Users will follow college policies as documented in the LWTech Student Handbook, specifically, the Student Code of Conduct.