Non-Discrimination Notice

Lake Washington Institute of Technology
Non-Discrimination Notice

Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech) values equality of opportunity, human dignity, racial, cultural and ethnic diversity both as an educational institution and as an employer. The college provides equal opportunity in education and employment and does not discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity, creed, color, national origin, citizenship, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. The college complies with applicable laws prohibiting discrimination and harassment in employment, educational programs and admissions, including Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Amendments of 2008, Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act and the state law against discrimination, chapter 49.60 RCW.

LWTech is an open enrollment college open to all persons 18 years or older or those with a High School diploma or equivalent. LWTech offers over 100 degree and certificate options in programs leading to direct employment and provides English language courses to ensure those with limited English language skills will be able to participate.

This document is available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities; requests may be made via; TTD 711; or by email at

Inquiries regarding compliance procedures and complaints may be directed to the college's Affirmative Action Officer:

Meena Park
Vice President, Human Resources
Affirmative Action Officer/Title IX and Title II Coordinator
11605 132nd AVE NE
Kirkland, WA 98034
(425) 739-8212
Washington Relay (TRS) 711 

You may also use our online form to file Title IX complaints.

We are committed to promoting a safe and inclusive learning environment for LGBTQ students at Lake Washington Institute of Technology, and in order to do this, we need your help!

Public Non-Discrimination Notices 


Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech) valora la igualdad de oportunidades, la dignidad humana, la diversidad racial, cultural y étnica como institución educativa y como empleador. La universidad ofrece igualdad de oportunidades en educación y empleo y no discrimina por motivos de raza o etnia, credo, color, nacionalidad, ciudadanía, sexo, estado civil, orientación sexual, identidad de género, edad, religión, discapacidad, información genética, o estado de veterano. LWTech cumple con las leyes aplicables que prohíben la discriminación y el acoso en el empleo, programas educativos y admisiones, incluidos los Títulos VI y VII de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, Título IX de las Enmiendas Educativas de 1972, Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, Estadounidenses Con la Ley de Discapacidades de 1990, la Ley de Discriminación por Edad y la ley estatal contra la discriminación, capítulo 49.60 RCW.

LWTech es una universidad de inscripción abierta para todas las personas mayores de 18 años o aquellas con un diploma de escuela secundaria o equivalente. LWTech ofrece más de 100 títulos y opciones de certificados en programas que conducen al empleo directo y ofrece cursos de inglés para garantizar que aquellos con conocimientos limitados del idioma inglés puedan participar.

Este documento está disponible en diferentes formatos para individuos con discapacidades; se puede solicitar en; TTD 711; o por correo electrónico a

Las consultas sobre procedimientos y quejas pueden ser dirigidas al Oficial de Acción Afirmativa de la universidad:

Meena Park
Vice Presidente de Recursos Humanos, Oficial de Acción Afirmativa / Coordinador del Título IX y del Título II
11605 132nd AVE NE
Kirkland, WA 9803 
(425) 739-8212 
Servicio de retransmisión de telecomunicaciones (TRS) 711

También puede usar nuestro formulario en línea para presentar quejas bajo el Título IX.

Nos comprometemos a promover un entorno de aprendizaje seguro e inclusivo para los estudiantes LGBTQ en el Instituto de Tecnología - Lake Washington, y para ello, necesitamos su ayuda!

Avisos públicos de no discriminación


作為一所教育基構及資方,華盛頓湖理工學院重視機會平等、人類尊嚴及種族文化族裔的多樣性。學院提供平等的教育及就業機會,不歧視種族或族裔、信仰、膚色、國籍、性别、婚姻狀況、性向、年齡、宗教、殘疾、遺傳訉息或退午軍人身份。學院遵循適用的法例,嚴禁就業、教育計劃及入學等各方面的歧視和騷擾行為。法例包括 : 1964年民權法第67章,1972年教育修正案第9條,1973年康復法案第504節,1990年美國殘疾人法案,年齡歧視法案及本州反歧視法節章49.60 RCW.


這份文件有提供多種不同形式給身心障礙者,可以由此連結申請; TTD 711; 或寄信到 索取更多資訊。


Meena Park
11605 132nd AVE NE
Kirkland, WA 98034
(425)739-8212 or 711 (Washington Relay)



Simplified Chinese

作为一所教育基构及资方,华盛顿湖理工学院重视机会平等、人类尊严及种族文化族裔的多样性。学院提供平等的教育及就业机会,不歧视种族或族裔、信仰、肤色、国籍、性别、婚姻状况、性向、年龄、宗教、残疾、遗传訉息或退午军人身份。学院遵循适用的法例,严禁就业、教育计划及入学等各方面的歧视和骚扰行为。法例包括 : 1964年民权法第6及7章,1972年教育修正案第9条,1973年康复法案第504节,1990年美国残疾人法案,年龄歧视法案及本州反歧视法节章49.60 RCW。 


这份文件有提供多种不同形式给身心障碍者,可以由此连结申请; TTD 711; 或寄信到 索取更多资讯。


Meena Park
11605 132nd AVE NE
Kirkland, WA 98034
(425)739-8212 or 711 (Washington Relay)




레이크 워싱턴 대학은, 교육 기관 및 고용주로서 고용 기회 균등인간의 존엄성문화와 인종의 다양성을 중요시 합니다레이크 워싱턴 대학은 균등한 교육 및 고용 기회를 부여하며인종신념피부색국적성별결혼여부성적 취향연령종교장애유전 정보또는 경력 여부에 근거하여 차별하지 않습니다레이크 워싱턴 대학은 1964년 민권법 타이틀 VI VII, 1972 년 교육 개정된 타이들IX, 1973 년 재활법 504 , 1990 년 장애인 법연령 차별법, 워싱턴 주법 49.60 RCW에 명시된 연령 차별 법을 준수합니다

레이크 워싱턴 대학은 18세 이상의 모든 사람들 또는 고등학교 졸업장이나 동등한 자격을 갖춘 사람들에게 열려 있는 등록 대학입니다레이크 워싱턴대학은 직접 취업을 유도하는 프로그램에 100개 이상의 학위 및 자격증 옵션을 제공하고 영어 실력이 부족한 이들이 참여할 수 있도록 영어 강좌를 제공하고 있습니다

이 문서는 장애가 있는 개인에게도 적용 가능한 것이며, TTD 또는 at 을 통해 요청 할 수 있습니다.

규정 준수 절차 및 불만 사항에 대한 질문은 본 대학의 차별 철폐 조치 담당자에게 문의 하십시오.

미나 박 
인사과 부사장   
긍정적 행동 책임자/Title IX  Title II 조정자 
11605 132 AVE NE
Kirkland, WA 98034
(425) 739-8212 
워싱턴 릴레이(TRS) 711 

또한 당사의 온라인 양식을 사용하여 타이틀IX 불만 사항을 제출할 수도 있습니다

우리는  레이크 워싱턴 공과대학교의 LGBTQ 학생들일 위한 안전하고 포괄적인 학습 환경을 홍보하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있으며, 이를 위해서는 여러분의 도움이 필요합니다!


Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech) (Технологический Институт Oзера Вашингтон) ценит возможности, человеческое достоинство, расовое, культурное и этническое разнообразие как образовательное учреждение и как работодатель. Колледж предоставляет равные возможности в области образования и трудовoй занятости и не дискриминирует по признаку расы или этнической принадлежности, вероисповедания, цвета кожи, национального происхождения, гражданства, пола, семейного положения, сексуальной ориентации, признакa пола, возраста, религии, инвалидности, генетической информации или статуса ветерана. Колледж соблюдает применимые законы, запрещающие дискриминацию и домогательства в сфере занятости, образовательных программ и принятия , в том числе разделов VI и VII Закона о гражданских правах 1964 года, Pаздел IX образовательных поправок 1972, Pаздел 504 Закона о реабилитации 1964 года, Pаздел IX образовательных поправок 1972, Pаздел 504 исправления законом 1973 года, Закон об инвалидах 1990 года, также Закон дискриминации по возрасту и закон штата о борьбе с дискриминацией, глава 49.60 RCW (Пересмотренный Кодекс Вашингтона).

Технологический Институт Oзера Вашингтон является открытым для зачисления в колледж и открыт для регистрации всех лиц 18 лет или старше или тех, кто имеeт диплом средней школы или эквивалент. Колледж предлагает более 100 дипломoв и вариантов сертификатов в программах, ведущих к прямой работозанятости и предоставляет курсы английского языка, чтобы обеспечить тех, кто имеет ограниченныe навыки английского языка и дать им возможность участвовать в обучении.

Запросы относительно соблюдения процедур и жалобы могут быть направлены Сотрудникy По Позитивным Действиям:

Мина Парк
Исполнительный Директор, Oтдел Kадров
Сотрудник По Позитивным Действиям/ Pаздел IX и Pаздел II/ Kоординатор
11605 132-й Проспект НE
Киркланд, Вашингтон 98034
(425) 739-8212

Wahington Relay (TRS) 711 (711 - номер ретранслятора телефона по штату, который соединяет глухих, слабослышащих и / или людей с нарушениями речи. Пользователи ретрансляции могут набрать 711 для соединения с Washington Relay)

Вы также можете использовать нашу онлайн-форму, чтобы подать жалобy o нарушении Pазделa IX

Мы стремимся содействовать созданию безопасной и инклюзивной среды обучения для ЛГБТК-студентов в Технологическом Институте Oзера Вашингтон, и для этого нам нужна ваша помощь!

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 

No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program of activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964 prohibits discrimination in employment based on sex as well as on race, color, religion or national origin. The act makes it unlawful to discriminate in hiring or firing; wage; fringe benefits; classifying, referring, assigning, or promoting employees; extending or assigning facilities; training, retraining, or apprenticeships; or any other terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. As amended in 1972 it covers most employers of 15 or more employees, public and private employment agencies, labor union with 15 or more employees, and joint labor—management committees for apprenticeship and training. Indian tribes are exempt as employers.

Title II of the Education Amendments of 1976

Title II of the Education Amendments of 1976 addresses sex discrimination sex bias and sex stereotyping as it applies to state and federal vocational education programs. It specifies action that institutions should consider to overcome sex bias and stereotyping.

Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments

The opening statement reads: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance…” Title IX affects virtually all public school systems and post—secondary education institutions. 

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

This act prohibits discrimination on the basis of age against any person between the ages of 40 and 70 in hiring, firing compensation, or other conditions of employment. The law applies to all public employers, private employers of 20 or more employees, employment agencies serving covered employers, and labor union of more than 25 members. It does not cover situations in which age is a bona fide occupational qualification (such as modeling “junior miss” fashions), nor does it affect bona fide seniority systems.

Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 

Employers covered by this section, as amended, must take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified handicapped individuals without discrimination based on their physical or mental handicap. The title covers Federal contractors and subcontractors whose contracts are in excess of $2,500.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Amendments of 2008

Section 504 provides that “no otherwise qualified handicapped individual shall, solely by reason of handicap, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal assistance.”

Executive Order 11246

This order prohibits employment discrimination based on sex as well as on race, color, religion, or national origin by Federal contractors or subcontractors and on Federally assisted construction contracts. Coverage includes all facilities of the contractor, regardless of whether they are being used in the performance of the Federal contract. In the case of State or local governments holding contracts, coverage is limited to the agency participating in the contract.

Fair Labor Standards Act

The Fair Labor Standards Act, which is known as the Federal minimum wage and hour law, now covers the great majority of workers. However, casual baby-­‐sitters and companions for the aged and infirm; executive, administrative, and professional employees; outside salespeople; employees of certain small, local retail or service establishment; and some agricultural workers are still exempted by the law from both minimum wage and premium pay for overtime provisions.

Equal Pay Act of 1963 

This act amended the Fair Labor Standards Act to prohibit unequal pay for men and women who work in the same establishment and whose jobs require equal skill, effort, and responsibility. Differentials based on a seniority or merit system or on a system that measures earnings by quantity or quality of production are permitted. Employers may not reduce the wage rate of any employee in order to eliminate illegal wage differentials.

Tax Reform Act of 1976

Since 1976 a deduction (subtracted from gross income before computation of the income tax) has been authorized for child and dependent care. The Tax Reform Act of 1976 replaced the deduction with a tax credit (subtracted directly from taxes owed), effective with the 1976 taxable year.

National Apprenticeship Act 

Under this Act the Federal Bureau of Apprenticeship works closely with employers and unions to encourage apprenticeship programs and maintain high standards. Regulations published in May 1978 require sponsors of programs with more than five apprentices to take affirmative action to recruit women, as well as minorities, when those groups do not have reasonable share of the training opportunities.

National Labor Relations Act

This act, as amended by the Labor-­‐Management Relations Act provides employees the right to form, join, or assist labor unions; to bargain collectively, through representatives of their own choosing, on wages, hours, and other terms of employment; or to strike to secure better working conditions.

Employees are also guaranteed the right to refrain from membership or participation in a union except where such membership is a requirement of employment.

Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 is designated to ensure safe and healthful working conditions throughout the nation. It covers every employer in a business affecting commerce, except where the workplace is covered under a special Federal law such as those for the mining and atomic energy industries. Federal employees are covered by Executive Order, and State and local government employees may be covered by the state, operating under a plan approved by the Federal government.

Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act 

This act provides that all union members have equal rights in nominating candidates for union office, voting in union elections and referendums, and participating in membership meetings.

Employee Retirement Income Security Act

In 1974 this act was enacted to protect the interests of most workers who participate in private employee pension and welfare benefit plans and their beneficiaries. This law is administered by the Department of Labor, the Internal Revenue Service, and an agency called the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.