Incident Reporting

Report a Crime

Report an incident or an accident on campus by filling out the downloadable Accident/Incident Form. Submit your form to Campus Public Safety office in East Building, E145.

Download Accident/Incident Form


You may also submit a See Something, Say Something form to report behavior that is concerning or threatening, may violate a conduct code, or should be reported to the security office. You may submit the form anonymously. 

See Something, Say Something Form


Faculty, staff, students, and guests are encouraged to report all crimes and public safety-related incidents on the Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech) campuses immediately.

  • To report a crime or other emergency on the LWTech Kirkland campus, call 911.
  • Then call LWTech Campus Security at: (425) 739-8224.

Local Law Enforcement

Local law enforcement may be reached by calling the following numbers:

  • Kirkland Police: 911 or (425) 587-3400
  • Redmond Police: 911 or (425) 556-2500
  • King County Sheriff's Office: 911 or (206) 296-4190

Incident Reporting Process

All LWTech Incident Reports are forwarded to the Vice President of Student Services for review in regard to possible student conduct code violations. LWTech Security will investigate Incident Reports when appropriate; additional information obtained in such investigations will also be forwarded to the Vice President of Student Services.

If assistance is required of local police agencies, LWTech Security will make that contact. If a sexual assault or rape should occur, staff on scene (including Campus Security and local police) will offer a wide variety of services to assist the victim including privacy, medical response, mental health counseling, and contacting significant others, should the victim so require. Crimes should be reported to Campus Security to ensure the victim of appropriate services, to ensure inclusion in the annual crime statistics report, and to aid in providing timely warning notices to the community, when appropriate.

All crimes should be reported immediately. Please report any suspicious activity or person you see loitering in any campus building, common area, or parking lot. In addition, reports may be made to any LWTech Official at (425) 739-8100.