Disability Support Services

Disability Support Services (DSS) works to ensure students who experience disability have an equal opportunity to participate in educational and co-curricular offerings. We do this by facilitating the Accommodation Process through an individualized, student-centered approach. 

Lake Washington Institute of Technology is committed to providing full support services to all students with disabilities in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Amendments of 2008, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and state of Washington Laws of 1994, Chapter 105. 

We Are Here For You

The transition to college can be especially challenging for adults with disabilities. We are here to support you. DSS provides a wide variety of services to help your education from being hindered by physical, sensory or psychological barriers.

We are committed to respecting the privacy and dignity of all our students with disabilities and empowering you with the tools you need for academic success. Our services are free to students who qualify under the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Amendments of 2008, and state of Washington Laws of 1994, Chapter 105. 

Priority Registration (1 day prior to general student population)

  • Additional time on exams/quizzes
  • Proctored testing in reduced distraction areas
  • Readers and/or scribes
  • Note-taking services
  • Lumbar chairs
  • Sign Language interpreters
  • Digital recorders, Livescribe Pens and other assistive technology
  • Conversion of textbooks to E-text

Our Services Do Not Include the Following

  • Individualized instruction
  • Tutoring (see the Supplemental Instruction and TRIO for this service)
  • Personal care assistant provided by institution
  • Provision of personal aides or assistive devices (i.e. wheelchairs, hearing aids)
  • Modified classwork or significant course/program modifications
  • Diagnostic testing to determine disability
  • Transportation to/from campus 

If you are interested in requesting disability accommodations at LWTech, you are encouraged to follow the steps on this webpage listed under "Get Started." First, complete the online DSS application. Second, submit medical documentation. Third, make an appointment for an intake appointment with a DSS staff member. Accommodations may take up to several weeks to arrange so scheduling an appointment as soon as possible is advised.


Get Started 

Take the steps to register with LWTech DSS. If you have any questions about this process or need assistance completing any of the steps, please call us at (425) 739-8300. 

For accommodations, new students should fill out the DSS Accessible Learning Online Student Application. You can upload your documentation within the online application.

All documentation must adhere to the Documentation Guidelines. Documentation can be submitted via one of the steps below:

  • The Online Application in Step 1
  • Faxed to (425) 739-8176
  • Mailed to:
    Lake Washington Institute of Technology
    Attn: DSS Office
    11605 132nd Ave NE, Room W207
    Kirkland, WA 98034
  • If you do not have any form of documentation or access to a clinician, please fill out the Documentation Attestation Form

The DSS office will send you an email to schedule your first appointment. 

Please allow 48-72 hours after you submit your application for processing time.

Students must meet with a DSS staff to determine eligibility for accommodations.


Getting Started Resources

Students seeking disability accommodations from LWTech's Disability Support Services must submit appropriate documentation.

Medical Documentation Guidelines

Differences Between High School and College for Students with Disabilities

Applicable Laws
High School
  • I.D.E.A (Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act)
  • Section 504
  • I.D.E.A is about SUCCESS
  • ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) or 1990, Title II
  • Section 504 
  • ADA is about ACCESS
Required Documentation
High School
  • I.E.P (Individualized Education Plan) and/or 504 Plan
  • School provides evaluation at no cost to the student
  • Documentation focuses on determining whether student is eligible for services based on specific disabilities
  • High School I.E.P and 504 are not sufficient. Documentation guidelines specify information needed for each category of disability.
  • Student must get evaluation at their own expense
  • Documentation must provide information on specific functional limitations and demonstrate the need for specific accommodations.
High School
  • Student is identified by the school and is supported by parents and teachers.
  • Primary responsibility for arranging accommodations belongs to the school.
  • Teachers approach you if they believe you need assistance.
  • Student must self-identify to the Disability Support Services office
  • Primary responsibility for self-advocacy and arranging accommodations belongs with the student.
  • Professors are usually open and helpful but most expect you to initiate contact if you need assistance.
Parental Role
High School
  • Parent has access to student's records and can participate in the accommodation process.
  • Parent advocates for student.
  • Parent does not have access to the student's records without the student's written consent.
  • Student advocates for self.
High School
  • Teachers may modify curriculum and/or alter curriculum pace for assignments
  • You are expected to read short assignments that are often discussed and often re-taught in class.
  • You seldom need to read anything more than once. Sometimes listening in class is enough,
  • Professors are not required to modify design or alter assignment deadlines.
  • You are assigned substantial amount of reading and writing which may not be directly addressed in class.
  • You need to review class notes, course text(s), and materials regularly.
Grades and Tests
High School
  • IEP or 504 Plan may include modification to test format and/or grading.
  • Testing is frequent and covers small amounts of material.
  • Makeup tests are often available.
  • Teachers often take time to remind you of assignments and due dates.
  • Grading and test format changes (i.e. multiple choice vs essay) are generally not available.
  • Accommodations to HOW tests are given (extended time, test proctors) are available when supported by disability documentation.
  • Testing is usually infrequent and may be cumulative, covering large amounts of material.
  • Makeup tests are seldom an option; if you are in need to request them.
  • Professors expect you to read, save, and consult the course syllabus (syllabi or outline); the syllabus spells out exactly what is expected of you, when it is due, and how you will be graded.
Study Responsibilities
High School
  • Tutoring and study support may be a service provided as part of an IEP or 504 Plan
  • Your time and assignments are structured by others.
  • You may study out of class as little as 0-2 hours per week and this may be last minute test preparation
  • Tutoring does not fall under Disability Support Services. Students with disabilities must seek out tutoring resources. We encourage you to look into LWTech's free tutoring services.
  • You manage your own time and complete assignments independently.
  • For every hour in class, you must study two hours out of class. This may be more in some courses.

We are often asked about resources for students who believe they have Learning Disabilities and ADHD. LWTech does not offer diagnostic services. The following resources may have information that is helpful.

Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals (ESA)

The college campus has a general “no pets” policy. However Service Animals are allowed to accompany their handlers while on campus. 

Service Animals

  • A service animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.

As defined by the ADA, a service animal has been trained to perform an active task that mitigates or partially mitigates the impact of the person's disability. The service animal is an access need.

  • You do not need to request a service animal as an accommodation. 
  • You do not need to provide documentation of a disability to have a service animal, only if you are requesting separate accommodations needs. 
  • You need to inform DSS that you are bringing a service animal to campus so DSS can support the transition of your service animal on campus.

Generally, only trained service animals are allowed on campus.

The State of WA does not have special licensing requirements and the service animal does not have to wear a form of identification/clothing/uniform. As a public agency, service animals can be in public areas (regardless of Disability Support Services registration or not).

If a Service Animal's role is not apparent by observation you may be asked the following (allowed) questions:

  1. Is that your service animal?
  2. What services does it provide?
  3. What is it trained to do?

Emotional Support Animals

  • An emotional support animal (ESA) or therapy animal is a pet where the simple presence of the animal is calming or otherwise has a positive impact on the individual's disability.
  • Emotional Support Animals are only allowed on campus if they are an approved accommodation through the DSS office. 
  • If you have an ESA on campus and have not been approved for this as a DSS accommodation, you will be asked to leave campus.
  • Misrepresenting an emotional support animal as a trained service animal is a student conduct violation and will be treated as such.

Animal Care and Conduct

  • All animals are the responsibility of their handlers and should be under their control (in proximity to the handler and responsive to commands, in harness, leashed or in a carrier).
    • An ESA or service animal must be housebroken and under owners control (voice or tether) at all times
      • Puppy rearing (under six months of age) which focuses on socialization and general obedience training may not qualify as housebroken
  • An animal's behavior is considered the handler's behavior; the animal will be held to the same basic standard of conduct as their handlers. If they are disruptive to college business or community behavioral expectations for educational, medical and residential environments, handlers may be asked to correct the animal's behavior or remove it from the environment.
What if another student has a phobia related to or is allergic to the service animal or approved ESA?

You can refer the other student to the DSS office to provide medical documentation of the phobia or allergy and we will engage in the interactive process to determine a reasonable accommodation.


Current DSS Student Resources

Students who have already gone through the DSS intake process and been provided accommodations by LWTech may find the following resources helpful. These directions and resources will not apply to students who have not yet followed the "Get Started" steps listed above for DSS Services.

To Complete Required Forms

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services
  2. Once you are logged in, your Dashboard will display Action Required along with links to any forms that need to be completed.
  3. Click on the form agreement that requires a signature or further information. The box will expand to show the form details along with a field for you to sign electronically.
  4. After signing the form, click Submit Form.

Change Your Login Information

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services
  2. On the left-hand side, select Change My Login Information
  3. From there you may enter a new username/password

To see a list of your approved accommodations, follow the directions below:

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services
  2. Click My Eligibility on the left side of the screen under My Accommodations.
  3. All approved accommodations will be listed.

Students must request disability accommodations quarterly for each course they wish to receive accommodations for. Please note that accommodations are not provided retroactively, so it is important that you submit your request as early as possible each quarter. This process is typically available 2-3 weeks prior to the following quarter start. 

Video Directions

Written Directions

  1. Log on to DSS Online using your username (Firstname.Lastname) and password
  2. You will be prompted to read and accept your agreements
  3. Scroll down to the 3 step "Process to Request Accommodations".
    • Step 1: The term should be the quarter you are requesting accommodations.
    • Step 2: Enter the five-digit Course Registration Number (CRN) for each class in which you would like accommodations. You can find the CRN (listed as the item number) on your class schedule.
    • Step 3: Click on the button to Continue to Customize Your Accommodations.
      • Select your accommodation(s) for each class.
      • Students do not have to choose all the accommodations for each class. If you choose not to request an accommodation, you are still authorized to do so any time in the quarter.
      • For example, you may choose not to request a digital recorder initially, but may find it necessary later in the quarter. You may request the digital recorder at any time by logging in to Online Services and completing the Three-Step Process to Request Accommodations.
  4. Click "Submit Accommodation Request" and your request is now complete.
  5. The instructors for the courses you submitted accommodations for will automatically be sent letters of accommodation stating which accommodations you are provided for the quarter. 

Alternative Testing is a group of academic accommodations approved by DSS for students who are eligible.

The two most common testing accommodations are:

  1. Reduced Distraction Environment: a reduced distraction environment means that the student needs to take the exam in an area that is quieter and with lower stimuli than the classroom environment. Typically, students are provided a private or semi-private room in the Assessment Center.
  2. Extra Time on Tests/Quizzes: Students who have this accommodation should receive time on any test/quiz intended to be completed in a single session and is graded such as: quizzes, pop quizzes, exams, mid-terms, and finals. The additional time is calculated from the amount of time given to the class to take the test/quiz.

Requesting Alternative Testing Accommodations

Two business days before test/quiz.

    1. Log on to DSS Online Services.
    2. Click on Alternative Testing on the left side of screen under My Accommodations. The Alternative testing contract will display.
    3. Select the class you are requesting test accommodations. Click on Schedule an Exam after choosing the class. The No Alternative Testing Contract Specific means the instructor has not given the DSS office information on proctoring the exam. Students can still schedule their exams without a contract in place. 
    4. Please read carefully the terms and conditions of Requesting Exam without Alternative Testing Contract.
    5. Fill out the exam/quiz details carefully and completely. Missing information will delay processing the request. Students can see their class schedule for the class. Click on Add Exam Request after completing the form and clicking on reading the terms and conditions box.
    6. The screen will display System Update is Successful. If you click on Alternative Testing under My Accommodations, it will show any upcoming exam requests for the current term. The Assessment Center will contact you to finalized all requests. Students can schedule all their quizzes, exams and finals for the entire quarter.

Many DSS students qualify to use equipment that they can check out for free from the DSS office. Some examples of equipment are: Lumbar chairs, digital recorders, Livescribe Pens, and other assistive technology.

DSS students checking out equipment must pick up these items at the DSS office in West Building, W207. You can use Online Services to see what equipment you have checked out along with the due date.

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services
  2. On the left hand side under Home, click Equipment Checked Out.
  3. Students will see what equipment is checked out, when it is due back, and the value or replacement cost. It will also show equipment checked out in past quarters.

Students with an accommodation of alternative media (Audio, PDF, DOC) for textbooks and class materials should follow the directions below:

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services.
  2. Click on Alternative Format on the left side of screen under My Accommodations.
  3. Scroll down until you see Get Alternative Formats. Fill out all the fields for the book. Any fields not completed will cause a delay in obtaining the alternative format. Click on Submit Request after completing the entire form.
  4. All the books being processed will show on the Alternative Formats screen.
  5. The DSS office will email the student after the book has been completed. The student can:
    1. Download the book through Dropbox.
    2.  Stop by the DSS office with a flash drive.

Students who qualify for notetaking services can follow the directions below after they have requested their quarterly accommodations to see if a notetaker has been assigned.

Check if Notetaker Has Been Assigned

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services
  2. Click Notetaking Services on the left side of the screen under 'My Accommodations.'
  3. If a notetaker has been assigned, you will see who the notetaker is and their email address for each class you requested.

Other Notetaking Resources

A current or former student can request a letter verifying they received accommodations while taking classes at LWTech. Please fill out the Request for Disability Support Services Accommodation Information form after reading the form in its entirety.

The verification letter will be sent as an email to the student.

LWTech is committed to providing an equal opportunity environment for all students. If you are experiencing difficulty with accessing or receiving accommodations or believe you have or may be experiencing mistreatment or discrimination based on your disability, you can utilize the resources below:

Steps to take if you have a conflict

  • Try to resolve issue with faculty and/or staff directly
  • Contact DSS for assistance in resolving issues related to accommodations
  • If initial steps do not resolve the concern/complaint, consider LWTech's formal reporting options.

Some strategies to help you get your concerns addressed

  • When making a complaint, be specific. lt can be helpful to document the
    incident(s), and the action(s) taken, including dates, times, names and a statement explaining the interactions. State what individual(s)/office(s) you believe has discriminated against you, when the incident occurred, and describe the incident.
  • lf you are attempting to resolve a problem that includes a number of offices, it may help to let each office know what other efforts you have made to try to resolve the complaint.
  • Keep a record of all written correspondence between yourself and the various offices you work with.

LWTech Campus Resources

  1. Disability Support Services is available to assist students in solving problems related to your disability accommodations. DSS staff are often able to assist in resolving complaints quickly, as faculty and/or staff are not always aware of the rights of students with disabilities. You can reach DSS at DSSInfo@LWTech.edu
  2. The Director of Advising and Disability Support Services is available to assist students in understanding their reporting options and navigating the reporting process.

Mony Loeum, M.Ed.
Director of Advising & Disability Support Services
(425) 739-8300
West Building, W207

Off-Campus Resources

THE WASHINGTON STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION (WSHRC) is the state agency responsible for administering the Washington Law Against Discrimination (RCW 49.60); they serve as a neutral, fact-finding agency to investigate and resolve complaints of discriminatory practices. You can contact the WSHRC at (800) 233-3247 (toll-free voice); (206) 464-6500 (voice); or (206) 587-5168 (TTY). For more information, visit their website at: hum.wa.gov.

THE OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS (OCR) in the U.S. Department of Education is the enforcement agency far Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. OCR will examine the factors of the alleged discrimination and interview appropriate persons to establish the facts, determine if discrimination has taken place and resolve the complaint. When a student is not satisfied with the on-campus efforts to resolve a complaint, OCR is a place to turn.

You can contact the Washington State office at (206) 607-1600 (voice); or (800) 877-8339 (TTY); or OCR.Seattle@ed.gov (email). For more information about the ED OCR, go to their website: www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr.


Disability Support Services Office Information

DSS Office Hours

9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. On Campus
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. On Campus
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. On Campus
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. On Campus
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. On Campus


Disability Support Services Staff