Statements of Support

The Resources for Inclusion Support and Empowerment (RISE) Center are responsible to LWTech's student community in bringing awareness to global issues felt at home. Below are statements of support developed by the RISE Center to ensure students are well informed and supported.

Statement Supporting Our Asian Students 

On March 16, 2021, there was a mass shooting in which eight people were killed, six of whom were of Asian descent, in the state of Georgia. Although an investigation is ongoing and a motive has not been confirmed, these murders are the latest in string of recent violence against members of the Asian community. The increase in violence against Asian-Americans is a result of anti-Asian prejudice provoked by people blaming COVID-19 on China and Chinese peoples.

The RISE Center and Office of Student Life Lions CREW condemn all forms of anti-Asian bias, prejudice, and racism. We stand in solidarity with the Asian community and our Asian and Asian-American students against this violence. The role of both Lions CREW and the RISE Center are to provide support and opportunities for education, encouraging students to interrupt and prevent racism. We believe all students deserve to live and learn free from violence and fear.

Even as overall hate-crime reports fell 7% in the country, violence against Asian Americans rose by almost 150%. Incident reports of anti-Asian prejudice also grew more violent, with 15% involving physical assault or spitting; two-thirds including verbal harassment or threats. Hate crimes that target people based on their ethnicity are especially dangerous because it strikes fear in an entire communities. Hate crimes target individuals but they also affect anyone sharing identities with those targeted, and contributes to individuals feeling at risk in facing similar violence. These feelings of intense fear and anxiety impact all parts of an individual's life, contributing to the feelings of living in fear and violence. 

The increase in anti-Asian violence represents anti-Asian prejudice that has increased in our country since the world first became aware of COVID-19. This is not the first time that Asian communities have been targeted and scapegoated as a result of fear about world events. Previous examples include: demographic changes, immigration, World War II, September 11 attacks, and now the global pandemic. Racist language, slurs, and images are connected to increases in racial violence. 

See more graphs and charts about anti-Asian prejudice and violence.

If This Happens To You

If This Happens To Others

  • If you witness anti-Asian prejudice from an LWTech student, staff or faculty member, report it in this online form, and the Bias Response Team will respond to it. Bias and prejudice includes comments directed at specific individuals as well as general derogatory comments.
  • If you are a witness any form of anti-Asian prejudice, or want to support the Asian community, here are some principles for fighting hate, from the Southern Poverty Law Center:
    • Act: Perpetrators of hate will always perceive silence as acceptance of their behavior. Use your voice in your communities to raise awareness, condemn violence, and support victims.
    • Unite: Reach out to organizations around you to see how you can get involved by attending virtual events and volunteering your time safely. You can find a list of organizations and nonprofits that support the Asian community here. 
    • Support the victim: If you witness a bias incident or hate crime against an Asian person, first use your best judgment to assess if the situation is safe to intervene in. If it is safe, find ways to assure the victim that you are an ally while respecting personal boundaries. Ask the victim if they feel safe and if they would like to report the incident to the police. If they do want to make a report to the police, offer to be a witness. 
    • Do your homework: Do not wait until a national incident occurs to learn about how prejudice affects your community.
    • Speak up:If you notice or are aware of anti-Asian prejudice among your friends or family, call it out. Most people are more open to learning and discussing with people they already have relationships with.
    • Teach tolerance: Start having age appropriate conversations about race and diversity with the young people in your life. 
    • Dig deeper: Reflect on your own prejudices and what you've learned over the years from the media and your community about other identities and cultures.

Asian Counseling and Referral Service

ACRS promotes social justice and the well-being and empowerment of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other underserved communities - including immigrants, refugees, and American-born - by developing, providing and advocating for innovative, effective and efficient community-based multilingual and multicultural services.

Contact Information

Chinese American Citizens Alliance

Established in 2011, Seattle is a charter of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance (C.A.C.A.), one of the nation's oldest civil rights organizations, having been founded more than 100 years ago in San Francisco. The mission of the organization is to promote and protect civil rights, develop leadership in Chinese youth and provide community service.

Contact Information

Chinese Information and Service Center

We help immigrants make the transition to a new life while keeping later generations in touch with their rich heritage.

Contact Information

Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs, Washington State 

The Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs is a state agency with an advisory board of 12 commissioners who are appointed by the governor to be a voice for Washington's diverse Asian Pacific American communities. We improve the lives of Asian Pacific Americans in Washington State by ensuring their access to participation in the fields of government, business, education, and other areas (Chapter 43.117 RCW).

Contact Information

Mailing Address

Washington State Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs
P.O. Box 40925
Olympia, WA 98504-0925

Physical Address

Capitol Court Building, Suite 220
1110 Capitol Way South
Olympia, WA 98501

Phone Contacts

Phone interpreter services available upon request.

  • Executive Director (206) 377-9583
  • Project Manager (206) 370-9554
  • Project Coordinator (253) 229-9826

Email Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs, Washington State 

Hmong Association of Washington

Our mission is to preserve and promote the culture, advocate for the Hmong people, and promote education in the community. We meet the diverse needs of the Hmong refugee and immigrant communities in WA by creating resources that empower them to become economically self-sufficient and proud of their Hmong heritage, culture and traditions.

Contact Information