

The RISE Center is happy to provide numerous on-campus and off-campus resources. The list of resources is always growing, so be sure to keep checking back for a new list of resources on this page.

On-Campus Resources

On-campus resources are available to all students and should be used. Some resources are free for eligible students, or are free to all students without eligibility. We encourage you to look at the information below to see which services might help you while attending LWTech.

BFET is a federal program LWTech accesses to help students apply for and receive food benefits from the state. Contact the office to determine your eligibility.

Disability Support Services works to ensure students who experience disability have an equal opportunity to participate in educational and co-curricular offerings.

The safety and inclusion of LGBTQIA+ students, staff, and faculty is of the upmost importance to LWTech. Members of the LGBTQIA community have access to the campus' gender neutral restrooms, as well as support services through the RISE Center.

If you identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and need to talk with an employee about an issue, please contact RISE Center staff.They will connect you with an employee who identifies as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and has volunteer to be a resource for students. 

LWTech has a dedicated Meditation room for students to engage in individual meditation, prayer, and quiet reflection. The room is located in Technology Center, T118. 

Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in all on and off campus college programs and activities. Information about Title IX, as well as LWTech policies and procedures for preventing and responding to sexual harassment and sexual violence may be found on the Title IX and Sexual Misconduct webpage.

If you want to report an issue with sexual assault misconduct, please use the confidential form to report your concern or issue.

The goal of TRIO is to provide services to students who are low-income, first-generation (neither parent nor guardian has a bachelor's degree and neither does the student), or students with disabilities.

LWTech is committed to providing college access to all interested students, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. DREAMers and undocumented students will find information on LWTech's admissions policies, financial aid, privacy and confidentiality policies, as well as other valuable resources.

Veterans Services at LWTech includes the Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success (CEVSS)and Financial Aid. The Veterans Services team is dedicated to the educational, health and wellness, and transitional needs of today's veterans.

At LWTech we offer several federal and state funded programs through Workforce Development (WFD). The programs may provide assistance with tuition, books, advising, and individualized support services. Students must qualify for the programs to receive benefits.


Off-Campus Resources


There are many off-campus resources students should take advantage of. The Community Resource page has information students can use to help them while enrolled in school. 

Whether you need resources to help with childcare, healthcare, or housing, please use that community resource page to learn how you may receive services.