DREAMers and Undocumented Students

Lake Washington Institute of Technology is committed to providing college access to all interested students, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. LWTech minimizes barriers for undocumented students by offering in-state tuition, grant funds, and scholarships to eligible DREAMers. Additionally, the college created these comprehensive resource pages to further support the diverse needs of these students. On these pages, DREAMers and undocumented students will find information on admission to the college, financial aid, privacy and confidentiality policies, as well as other valuable resources.

Who Are Undocumented Students & DREAMers?

Undocumented students are students who are not U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or “eligible non-citizens.” Undocumented students are sometimes referred to as "DREAMers." This term generally refers to undocumented youths who have lived in the United States from a very young age.