Request Items/ILL

Are you looking for a specific resource but can't find it in Library Search or research databases? If the article, book, or video/DVD is not available in our collections, we may be able to help you find it! Below you can learn more about the following:

  • Requesting or recommending items for the collection
  • The LWTech library's acquisitions process
  • Interlibrary loan
  • Reciprocal borrowing.

If you would like to request an item or recommend one to be added to the collection, consider filling out a form below. The library staff will respond to your request in a timely manner.

Requesting Items

More About Requesting or Recommending 

The LWTech Library maintains student and employee learning and research as a priority. When an individual or a group submit a request, the librarians work to either bring that item into the collection permanently, or help the individual or group access that item through another institution's collection via an Interlibrary Loan.

If the requested or recommended resource is a book, the LWTech librarians will determine the value it would bring to the library collections. They may order that resource as a permanent addition to the collection. If the library decides to not purchase the item, an interlibrary loan may still be an option. Please look at the library's collection development procedures for more information on what types of resources the librarians choose for the library's permanent collections.

More About Reciprocal Borrowing

In accordance with a reciprocal agreement between several Washington State Community and Technical Colleges, borrowing privileges may be extended to persons if they are an enrolled student or faculty member from another state community and technical college. To initiate reciprocal borrowing privileges, the student must present their college student ID card and demonstrate evidence of current enrollment at their college. This means that individuals with an LWTech ID number may be able to check out or gain access to resources at other Community and Technical Colleges in Washington State, and sometimes other institutions as well. Please check with the other institutions to learn about their borrowing policies, and reach out to your librarians at LWTech for more assistance.

If the requested resource is an article or book, the library communicates with other libraries in the area to process what we call an interlibrary loan request, which allows you to access that article either free of cost or for a fee from the loaning institution.


  • There may be a charge associated with this service. If the article cannot be located for free, the person making the request is responsible for any amount charged over $15. This is a potential charge from the loaning institution and Not the Library.
  • Interlibrary loan requests take time, sometimes and including 2 weeks. Check with a librarian to see if there might be an alternative and more accessible resource. Make requests early to give yourself enough time to work with the resource. An alternative might be to go to the institution that has the item and use it there. Check with a librarian for help finding where an item might be available.

Before Requesting an Article

  1. Look for the article using a research database or Library Search.
  2. If you are unable to locate the article/ need full text of an article, please fill out the information in the form here: Request Article(s).

There may be a charge associated with this service. If the article cannot be located for free, the person making the request is responsible for any amount charged over $15. This is a potential charge from the loaning institution and Not the Library.

Before Requesting an Article

  1. Look for the book using Library Search.
  2. If you are unable to locate the book, please fill out the information in the form here: Request Book(s).
  1. There may be a charge associated with this service. If the article cannot be located for free, the person making the request is responsible for any amount charged over $15. This is a potential charge from the loaning institution and Not the Library.
  2. There may be a charge associated with this service. If the article cannot be located for free, the person making the request is responsible for any amount charged over $15. This is a potential charge from the loaning institution and Not the Library.

Email us if you questions about placing a request.

How do requests or recommendations work?