Research Databases


Search the LWTech Library research databases for quality scholarly/peer-reviewed articles, reference materials, news articles, images, and much more. Each database holds different types of information related to specific subjects and in various formats, including journals, magazines, articles, eBooks and more!

Library supported databases are available on and off campus, unless otherwise noted. You can begin searching most databases using Library Search. The library search interface is also called Primo. Items unavailable in Library Search are noted in the descriptions below.

On This Page

  1. The research databases to which the library subscribes.
  2. Selected open access/public domain databases.
  3. Open access/public domain databases available through Library Search
  4. Information about public library database offerings.

Note: descriptions about databases are taken directly from the publishers, adapted for this page with minor grammatical edits. For more information and in-depth descriptions, visit the database or publisher websites.


Do you have suggestions for additional open access databases? Please e-mail your librarians with your requests.

Would you like to learn more about the databases? Watch a YouTube tutorial explaining the basics of searching databases.

Restricted to LWTech - Article Databases

The following databases are subscribed to by the LWTech library. Accessing these requires a student/employee ID number.

Note: These databases cannot be viewed using the "Visitors" Wi-Fi on the LWTech campus. You must log into the standard LWTech Wi-Fi to access on campus using your LWTech credentials.

Automotive Databases

Both ALLDATA and Mitchell1 Prodemand provide articles, repair data, and other information related to automotive services. As of August 2021, the college also provides access to Mitchell1's TruckSeries package. Note: ALLDATA is only accessible on campus.

Recommended Programs

Automotive; Diesel


Access Mitchell1 Prodemand

Access Mitchell1 TruckSeries

Image and Art Database

The Artstor digital libraryincludes more than 1.9 million high-quality images from many cultures, ranging from paintings to photography to other fine art and architectural mediums. Note: available in Library Search.

Recommended Programs

Academic Core; Applied Design; Architectural Technology; Digital Gaming & Media; Mechanical Design; Multimedia Design & Production

Access Artstor

Article Database

Provides access to Harvard Business Review and other business journals.

Recommended Programs


Access Business Source Elite

Article Database

The CINAHL academic database platform provides access to key journals, evidence-based care sheets, and quick lessons for nursing and allied health professions. CINAHL is available through EBSCOhost.

Recommended Programs

Allied Health; Nursing; Public Health


Article Database

The Cochrane Library academic database platform provides access to "different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making."

Recommended Programs

Allied Health; Nursing; Public Health

Access Cochrane Library

Reference Database

The Credo Reference database includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, fact books, almanacs, biographies, and other reference resources. Note: available in library search.

Recommended Programs


Access Credo Reference

Article Databases

The EBSCOhost is an academic resourceproviding full-text newspapers, magazines, case studies, images, and scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles covering major areas of research. Note: available in library search.

Current article databases include
  • Academic Search Premier
  • Applied Science & Technology
  • Associate Programs Source
  • Biomedical Reference Collection
  • Harvard Business Review Case Studies
  • Health Source: Nursing/Academic
  • AHFS Consumer Medication Information
Recommended Programs


Access EBSCOhost

Case Studies Database

Roughly 2,000 case studies are available through the EBSCOhost platform.

Recommended Programs


Access Harvard Business School Select Case Studies

Reference Database

The Health Reference Center database has up-to-date information on the complete range of healthcare topics. Contains full-text sources and videos demonstrating medical procedures and live surgeries to ensure comprehensive answers to health care questions. Note: unavailable in Library Search.

Recommended Programs

Dental Assistant; Dental Hygiene; Fitness Specialist/Personal Trainer; Medical Assisting; Medical Billing and Coding Professional; Nursing; Occupational Therapy Assistant; Physical Therapist Assistant; Pre-Nursing DTA/MR; Public Health; Social and Human Services

Access Health Reference Center

Current Issues Database

The Issues and Controversies databaselooks critically at crucial issues we face today, exploring the multiple faces of hot topics. Issues and Controversies offers original in-depth articles made to inspire thought-provoking debates. Note: unavailable in Library Search.

Recommended Programs

Business DTA/MRP; Computer Science DTA/MRP; High School Programs; Nursing; Public Health; Social and Human Services

Access Issues and Controversies

Video Resources 

Expert-led courses and videos on tech-related topics

Access LinkedIn Learning

Online Newspaper

Students and employees at LWTech have complete access to The New York Times.

Visit the NYT EDU website below and create an account using your LWTech email to get full access. If you already have an account with your LWTech email, you may login with it to update access.

Access The New York Times

Article Database

Pathways to Research is an EBSCO product providing an introductory experience to research databases for students in Early Childhood Education and Business. Find articles and connect with them easily using Pathways to Research. Note that all Pathways to Research articles are also available in EBSCOhost.

Access Pathways to Research

Article Database

ProQuest is an academic resourceproviding full-text newspapers, magazines, case studies, images and scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles covering major areas of research. Note: available in Library Search.

Recommended Programs


Access ProQuest

Article Database

The ScienceDirect database offersfull-text scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles across the physical, life, health and social sciences. All articles are peer-reviewed, and ScienceDirect also includes open access journals. Note: some journals included in ScienceDirect contain open access articles. Note: available in Library Search.

Recommended Programs

Biology DTA/MRP; Dental Assistant; Dental Hygiene; Environmental Horticulture; Fitness Specialist/Personal Trainer; Nursing; Occupational Therapy Assistant; Physical Therapist Assistant; Pre-Nursing DTA/MRP; Public Health

Access ScienceDirect


Restricted to LWTech - Streaming Video Databases

Early Childhood Education

The Ed.Flicks video database features Early Childhood Education video collection. Provided by ChildCareExchange, thesevideos are accessible on-campus and off-campus.

Recommended Programs

Early Childhood Education

Access Ed.Flicks

Academic Videos

Kanopyis a video platform similar to YouTube and Netflix, providing a large selection of academic movies, documentaries, and shows. Some Kanopy titles appear inLibrary Search.

Note: KCLS also provides access to 5 Kanopy titles per month as well. Learn how to log in to KCLS to find Kanopy.

Recommended Programs

Academic Core; Applied Design; Architectural Technology; Digital Gaming & Media; Mechanical Design; Multimedia Design & Production

Access Kanopy


Open Databases in Library Search

In addition to those open access and public domain databases listed above, the following table includes a list of all the open access databases available directly through the Library Search platform. Specifically, these databases are integrated through the Primo Central Index technology. This list was last updated in October, 2018.

Note on descriptions in these lists
Descriptions used above were taken from the database websites, or from Ex Libris, the company that built and manages Library Search.


Unrestricted and Open Databases - Not in Library Search

The LWTech library recommends the following databases as additional places to discovery information and conduct research. Some of thee databases include openly licensed articles. These databases are not integrated into Library Search.

“Far more than a search engine, the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) portal provides innovative ways to search and scan through the united collection of millions of items, including by timeline, map, virtual bookshelf, format, subject, and partner.”

A simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines on Google Scholar and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.

  • Library of Congress Collections of Historical Content
    • Records in this collections represent various collections available online through American Memory, Global Gateway, and elsewhere on the Library of Congress website.
  • Library of Congress Photos
    • This collection offers many collections of photographs including Washington as It Was: Photographs by Theodor Horydczak, 1923-1959; Architecture and Interior Design for 20th Century America: Photographs by Samuel Gottscho and William Schleisner, 1935-1955; "Suffering Under a Great Injustice": Ansel Adams's Photographs of Japanese-American Internment at Manzanar; Taking the Long View: Panoramic Photographs, 1851-1991; Glass negatives from the Papers of Wilbur and Orville Wright; Selected civil war photographs, 1861-1865; Lomax Collection of Photographs Depicting Folk Musicians, and more.
  • Library of Congress Posters
    • This collection the Library's By the People, For the People: Posters from the WPA, 1936-1943 and World War I poster collection. The former offers posters produced by various branches of the Work Projects Administration.
  • Library of Congress Printed Ephemera Selections
    • This collection offers An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera containing primary source items dating from the seventeenth century to the present and covers key events and eras in American history. It offers a variety of posters, notices, advertisements, proclamations, leaflets, propaganda, manifestos, and business cards.
  • Library of Congress Selected Digitized Books
    • This collection offers selected digitized books available in many separate collections within American Memory and some individual books that are not part of American Memory. Two collections included are American Notes: Travels in America, 1750-1920 comprised of narratives by Americans and foreign visitors recounting their travels in the colonies and the United States and the Kraus Francis Drake Collection consisting of primary and secondary materials concerning Sir Francis Drake.

This company has two databases free to the public: 1) Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law, 2) Gun Regulation & Legislation in America, and 3) Civil Rights and Social Justice. Note: access available on campus only.

ScienceDirect's Science Topics contain "concept definitions and subject overviews for researchers who want to expand their knowledge about scholarly and technical terms. Each synopsis provides a series of short, authoritative, excerpts from highly relevant book chapters written by subject matter experts in the field. These topic summaries are derived from Elsevier encyclopedias, reference works and books."

Smithsonian Research Online is a set of services to the research community both within and outside the Smithsonian Institution. Managed by the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, the program assists in capturing the research output of Smithsonian scholars and making it available to Institutional management as well as scientists and historians world-wide.

Taylor and Francis contains a collection of open access journals covering research of many disciplines.

If the LWTech library does not have access to a certain resource, you can attempt to find the resource through the WorldCat catalog. Visit the LWTech WorldCat portal to explore what the world has to offer!


Public Library Databases


In August 2018, KCLS and LWTech formalized a partnership to integrate all LWTech student and employee accounts with KCLS's digital collections. Students and employees can gain access to electronic resources and databases by using their LWTech account information (without having to register a separate library card through KCLS).

Accessing the Databases

The King County Library System (KCLS) provides access to a wide variety of databases for any of its cardholders. KCLS databases may provide additional help as resources during academic research. Many of them require a library card, available for free through your KCLS branch, to access.

Please email us if you have questions or comments about these databases.

To start accessing electronic resources today, visit one of the following KCLS pages:

KCLS Databases

KCLS eBooks

Once you attempt to access the resource, please login using the appropriate format below.

Student Login Information

Login: LWTs-first.last
PIN: last 4 characters of the above login

Faculty/Staff Login Information

Login: ELWTfirst.last
PIN: last 4 characters of the above login

Note: your login cannot be used with the "My KCLS" login at the top of the KCLS website.

Watch the video on how to use your LWTech KCLS student account.

Recommended Databases

The following databases are recommended by KCLS librarians:

  • America's News
  • BookFlix
  • Chilton's
  • Data Axle/aka Reference USA
  • Gale Business: Entrepreneurship
  • Gale Opposing Viewpoints
  • Hoopla
  • Kanopy
  • Mango Languages
  • NYT and NYT Historical
  • Novelist
  • Overdrive/Libby App
  • Press Reader

Get a Library Card

While LWTech students and employees have access to KCLS's databases, everyone can sign up for a library card to get access to all the services KCLS provides, including borrowing physical books and other items. Applying for a card can be completed through KCLS online library card application.

eBook Collections

Approximately 74,000 LWTech eBooks, or electronic books, can be read across multiple devices. Individual eBooks can be accessed with an online connection, and select databases allow downloads for future offline access. LWTech's eBook collection can support student research as well as personal reading needs. 

You can discover eBooks owned by the LWTech library via Library Search or using the links below. Librarians can assist you in finding additional eBooks freely available. For more information on how to find eBooks or how to use the various databases, please contact an LWTech librarian, or watch our three YouTube video tutorials on eBooks (recorded in Fall 2017).

  • Skillsoft Books
    • This collection includes automotive, chemistry, material science, computers, engineering, health, science, software development, and more. Skillsoft Books was previously Books24x7.
  • Ebook Central
    • This collection includes accounting, career development, computers, criminology, medicine, culinary arts, history, human resources, nursing, project management, and more. Ebook Central replaced ebrary in April, 2017.
  • Credo Reference
    • A multidisciplinary reference eBooks database, Credo's specific focuses include Business, Science, Health, and Psychology.
  • EBSCOhost eBook Collection
    • This collection includes biographies, education, engineering & technology, history, mathematics, psychology, social studies and more.
  • EBSCOhost Diversity & Ethnic Studies Collection
    • This collection includes thousands of e-books assessed by EBSCO Collection Development Librarians on the topic of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • NCBI's Bookshelf
    • This collection includes life science, social science, healthcare, and more

Research Databases

Search the LWTech Library research databases for quality scholarly/peer-reviewed articles, reference materials, news articles, images, and much more. Each database holds different types of information related to specific subjects and in various formats, including journals, magazines, articles, eBooks and more!

Search by Subject

Search available databases by subject/program. The listed databases are subscribed to by the LWTech library. Accessing these requires a student/employee ID number.

Note: These databases cannot be viewed using the "Visitors" Wi-Fi on the LWTech campus. You must log into the standard LWTech Wi-Fi to access on campus using your LWTech credentials.

Additional Recommended Books

To access articles in PTJ: Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal from 2021 onwards, log into KCLS's Gale Health and Wellness database using the information below.

Login: LWTs-first.last
PIN: last 4 characters of the above login

The following is a list of all databases recommended by and available through the LWTech library. The list is in alphabetical order.