Primary Name

Set Your Preferred Name

To change your LWTech email address to your primary name, please contact the Enrollment Services office with your request. You will need to provide your legal name, Student ID Number, and your preferred name to be changed on your LWTech email and Canvas.

When current students update their primary name at LWTech, this change is reflected on all classroom rosters used by their instructors. Students can update their primary name online at any time, or make the request in person at the Enrollment Services counter, West Building, W201. 

Update Information Guide


Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my legal name be used?

Your legal name will be used in business processes and other activities that require use of a legal name. These include:

  • Transcripts
  • Diplomas
  • International Students Documentation
  • Financial Aid Records
  • Student Employment Records
  • Federal Requests for Information
  • National Student Clearinghouse

If I changed my legal name, how do I update my personal information record as a student at LWTech?

Please file an Information Change Form to change your legal name as a student at LWTech. 

What if I feel unsafe or discriminated against at LWTech?

If at any time you feel unsafe or think or feel that you have been discriminated against by faculty, staff, or other students at LWTech, we encourage you to file a report through our online reporting form.