Meeting With an Advisor

Welcome to LWTech! We are excited that you are here. Now that you have applied for admission and received your Student ID Number, you can follow the steps below to meet with an advisor for registration. Follow the steps below in the order listed.

1. Identify Your Placement Options

Prior to meeting with an advisor, students must have completed the following:

  1. Apply for admission
  2. Receive a Student ID number
  3. Determine English and Math placement

  • After your admission application has been processed and you have a Student Identification Number (SID), you will need math and English placement prior to meeting with an advisor.
  • There are multiple placement options including high school transcript or test scores, college transcripts, and LWTech’s placement assessment.
  • Visit the Placement page to see which option works best for you.

Please note that we can utilize unofficial transcripts for placement purposes but students must send official transcripts to the college to transfer in credits. Please allow at least three weeks for this process. More information available at


2. Meet With an Advisor (Appointment or Drop-in)

Now that you have applied for admission, have your Student ID Number, and have a form of placement, you are ready to meet with an advisor to register for classes.

For new students, the preferred way to meet with an advisor is through a scheduled appointment. Appointments can be scheduled for 30-60 minutes.

At an appointment, an advisor can discuss:

  • placement scores or unofficial transcripts
  • program requirements
  • create an academic plan with you
  • discuss resources to support you throughout your education
  • assist you with registering for classes


New students must have applied for admission, received a Student ID Number, and have placement to meet with an advisor.

You can find directions for how to make an appointment with your Advisor on the Who is My Advisor page

Drop-in advising is a first-come, first-served time to meet with an available advisor without an appointment. Information about drop-in is available on the main Advising Webpage.

Drop-in is intended for students who have quick questions that take no longer than 15 minutes to answer.

Drop-in details are available on the main Drop-in Advising Webpage.


3. Prepare for Your First Quarter 

As a new LWTech student, it's important that you're asking yourself the following questions prior to starting your first quarter:


Veteran Services

Are you a Veteran? Connect with this office for assistance with your educational benefits, health and wellness, and transitional needs.

Disability Support Services

Are you a student with a disability? We can assist you! Connect with DSS for classroom and college accommodations to support you in your time at LWTech.


Do you identify as low-income, first generation to college (neither parent has a bachelor degree), and/or a student with a disability? TRIO is here to support you. TRIO provides tutoring, academic advising, educational planning, study skills workshops, financial education, and transfer and career planning to qualified students.

Workforce Development

If you identify as low-income or had a change to your employment status (laid off, closed business, etc) you may qualify for assistance from the Workforce Development department. This department has multiple Federal- and State-Funded programs that may provide assistance with tuition, books, advising, and support services, depending on qualifications. Check out their webpage for more info to see if you qualify!

Undocumented Student Resources

DACA, DREAMer, and undocumented students can find funding and support resources online.