Ch. 7 Facilities and Operations

Chapter 7 Facilities and Operations


The College will develop a facilities master plan that:

  1. Supports its mission, vision, and strategic plans.
  2. Improves facilities and services to students, employees, and the community.

The plan will address future facilities needs that include new facilities development, infrastructure needs, stewardship of existing facilities, and that promote safety and value the environment.

Procedures, Forms, and Documents


The College is a Washington State institution of higher education. The College reserves its campuses, buildings, properties and facilities at all times for activities related to its broad educational objectives and goals. College facilities are available for various uses that benefit the general public if the use relates to and does not interfere with the College's educational mission. The College has no obligation to make its facilities available for general use by others

  1. Limitation to School Activities.
    The College gives highest priority to activities specifically related to its mission. The College will not make arrangements that may interfere with or harm the operation of its teaching or public service programs. In particular, the College uses its building, properties, and facilities, including those assigned to student programs, primarily for:
    1. Regularly established college and department teaching or public service activities.
    2. Training, educational, cultural, or recreational activities of students or employees.
    3. Short courses, in-services, seminars, or similar events, conducted either in public service or to advance specific college interests, with the college's sponsorship.
    4. Public events, professional or cultural, brought to the campus at the request of college departments or committees and presented with their active sponsorship and participation.
    5. Activities or programs sponsored by educational institutions, state or federal agencies, charitable agencies or civic or community organizations when they provide a widespread public service and of have a character appropriate to the college.
  2. Student Organizations.
    Student organizations may use college facilities for regular business meetings, social functions and for programs open to the public. Any recognized campus student organization may invite speakers from outside the college community. A speaker on campus does not represent an implicit or explicit endorsement of the speaker's views by the college, its students, Board, or employees.
  3. Use Conditions.
    1. The College may impose reasonable conditions to:
      1. Regulate the timeliness of requests.
      2. Determine the appropriateness of assigned spaced.
      3. Determine the time of use.
      4. Ensure the proper maintenance of facilities.
    2. The College may restrict a person's or group's use of college facilities if that person or group has in the past:
      1. Physically abused college facilities, or
      2. Is late paying charges imposed for previously using facilities, equipment or supplies associated with the use.
    3. The College may impose charges for damage or any costs to use facilities, equipment, or supplies associated with facility use.
  4. General Limitations.
    1. Those who run or support campaigns for public office cannot use college facilities for political campaigning, except for student-sponsored activities or forums.
    2. Religious groups or groups of persons that meet for religious purposes cannot use college facilities as a permanent meeting place. Use is intermittent only.
    3. The college can bar groups from using college facilities if they restrict membership or take part in a manner inconsistent with the college's commitment to nondiscrimination.
    4. No one may post promotional signs or posters on buildings, trees, walls, or bulletin boards, or distribute samples outside rooms or facilities to which the college has given them access.
    5. Non-students may distribute handbills, leaflets, and similar materials (except commercial, obscene, or unlawful materials) in designated areas on campus where and when it does not interfere with the college's orderly administration or the free flow of traffic. The VP of administrative services must authorize any distribution of materials in This does not mean the college community or the board supports or approves the content.
    6. The college allows use of audio amplifying equipment only in locations and at times that will not interfere with the college's normal operation. The VP of administrative services must authorize the use in advance.
    7. The College intends to preserve the right of peaceful dissent in the college community. The college can take steps to insure:
      1. People's safety.
      2. Continuity of the education process.
      3. Protection of property.
        While the college accepts peaceful dissent, it does not consider violence or disruptive behavior as legitimate means of dissent. Should any person, group or organization try to resolve differences by violence, the college and its officials do not need to negotiate with those who use it.
    8. Orderly picketing and other forms of peaceful dissent are protected activities on and about college campuses. However, these situations exceed allowed limits:
      1. Interfering with free passage through areas where community members can be,
      2. Interfering with entrances and exits to College facilities,
      3. Interrupting classes,
      4. Injury to persons, or
      5. Damage to property.
    9. If a College facility adjoins a public area or street and student activity, even if on public property, unreasonably interferes with College entrances and exits, the College may impose its own penalties. The College may also use remedies through local law enforcement.
Procedures, Forms, and Documents

No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.


The College will develop and maintain procedures for building access to maximize campus security, address employee responsibility, and to safeguard College facilities and assets.

Procedures, Forms, and Documents

No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.


The public may rent College facilities when not required for scheduled College use. The College will develop and maintain procedures for the fees and conditions of using College facilities by others consistent with state laws and regulations.

Procedures, Forms, and Documents


The College intends to create a working and learning environment that promotes the safety, health, and well-being of College students and employees. The college bans and/or limits conduct and activities as follows:

  1. Drugs.
    Being observably under the influence of any legend drug, narcotic drug, or controlled substance as defined in chapters 69.41 and 69.50 RCW, or otherwise using, possessing, delivering, or selling any such drug or substance, except in accordance with a lawful prescription for that person by a licensed health care professional. Being observably under the influence of any lawfully prescribed drug when enrolled in classes that require operation of heavy equipment or other dangerous equipment.
  2. Marijuana.
    The use, possession, delivery, sale, or being visibly under the influence of marijuana or the psychoactive compounds found in marijuana and intended for human consumption, regardless of form. While state law permits the recreational use of marijuana, federal law prohibits such use on college premises or in connection with college activities.
  3. Alcohol.
    Being observably under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, or otherwise using, possessing, selling, or delivering any alcoholic beverage, except as permitted by law and authorized by the college president.
  4. Tobacco, Electronic Cigarettes, and Related Products:
    The use of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and related products in any building owned, leased, or operated by the college or in any location where such use is prohibited, including twenty-five feet from entrances, exits, windows that open, and ventilation intakes of any building owned, leased or operated by the college. "Related products" include, but are not limited to cigarettes, pipes, bidi, clove cigarettes, waterpipes, hookahs, chewing tobacco, and snuff.
  5. Weapons.
    Possession, holding, wearing, transporting, storage or presence of any firearm, dagger, sword, knife or other cutting or stabbing instrument, club, explosive device, or any other weapon apparently capable of producing bodily harm is prohibited on the college campus, subject to the following exceptions:
    1. Commissioned law enforcement personnel or legally- authorized military personnel while in performance of their duties; or
    2. A person with a valid concealed weapons permit may store a firearm in his or her vehicle parked on campus in accordance with RCW 9.41.050, provided the vehicle is locked and the weapon is concealed from view; or
    3. The president or designee may authorize possession of a weapon on campus upon a showing that the weapon is reasonably related to a legitimate pedagogical purpose. Such permission shall be in advance to bringing weapons to the college, in writing, and shall be subject to such terms or conditions incorporated therein.
  6. Property Violation: Attempted or actual damage to, or theft or misuse of, real or personal property or money of:
    1. The college or state;
    2. Any student or college officer, employee, or organization;
    3. Any other person or organization; or
    4. Possession of such property or money after it has been stolen.
Procedures, Forms, and Documents


  1. Individuals who are not students or members of the faculty or staff and who violate Lake Washington Institute of Technology's rules, or whose conduct threatens the safety or security of its students, staff, or faculty will be advised of the specific nature of the violation, and if they persist in the violation, they will be requested by the campus president, or his or her designee, to leave the college property. Such a request will be deemed to prohibit the entry of, withdraw the license or privilege to enter onto or remain upon any portion of the college property by the person or group of persons requested to leave, and subject such individuals to arrest under the provision of chapter 9A.52 RCW.
  2. Members of the college community (students, faculty, and staff) who do not comply with these regulations will be reported to the appropriate college office or agency for action in accord with established college policies.
  3. When the college revokes the license or privilege of any person to be on college property, temporarily or for a stated period of time, that person may file a request for review of the decision with the vice-president of administrative services or designee within ten days of receipt of the trespass notice. The request must contain the reasons why the individual disagrees with the trespass notice. The trespass notice will remain in effect during the pendency of any review period. The decision of the vice-president of administrative services will be the final decision of the college and should be issued within five business days.
Procedures, Forms, and Documents


The college bans pets or animals of any kind on College property unless the animal is a service animal prescribed to accommodate a person's disability. The person responsible for a service animal on College property must keep direct and positive control of the animal at all times. No one may leave an animal in a vehicle on campus as this may constitute animal abuse.

Procedures, Forms, and Documents

No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.


The Board will occasionally consider naming new or existing buildings or parts contained therein in honor of people or organizations who significantly contributed to the College. The Board intends that such naming conveys the highest honor and reserves it for those who made extraordinary contributions to the College through personal service or financial support.

The Board will not name any facility for any person currently serving on the Board or who the College employs. Also, anyone chosen for the honor must satisfy at least one of these criteria:

  1. A former Board member.
  2. A former employee who made an outstanding contribution to the College.
  3. A citizen or organization who made a substantial monetary or personal service contribution to the College.

The Board has responsibility to name buildings, rooms, and other facilities in honor of people or organizations. At any time, the Board may direct the president to create a process to give a recommendation to the Board for naming a building, room, or other facility. Any process should involve College employees and may also include Foundation and community members.

The Board may revoke any honor name it bestows due to mitigating or special circumstances as the Board determines.

Procedures, Forms, and Documents

No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.


The College will develop and maintain rules for pedestrian and vehicle traffic on College property per state law and guidelines to:

  1. Protect and control pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
  2. Assure access at all times for emergency traffic.
  3. Minimize traffic disturbances during class hours.
  4. Facilitate the College's work by assuring access to its vehicles and by assigning limited parking space for the most efficient use by all.
  5. Regulate the use of parking spaces.
  6. Protect state-owned property.
  7. Assure access to the facility by people with disabilities.
Procedures, Forms, and Documents


The College will develop and maintain procedures to enforce city, state and College parking and traffic rules. Enforcement may include issuing warnings, citations, penalties and fines, and impoundment as determined necessary.

Procedures, Forms, and Documents


The College will develop and maintain emergency management plan and procedures to improve the College's ability to protect lives and property through effectively using College and community resources and to inform and prepare employees and students for emergencies and disasters.

Procedures, Forms, and Documents


Only the President or designee can close classes or offices in emergencies to maintain safety and security of students, employees, the public and property. Emergencies include but are not limited to:

  1. Conditions that may cause personal injuries and/or damage to College property.
  2. Weather conditions that may cause undue hardships on College students and/ or employees.
  3. Building conditions in any facility that may make it unsafe or unfit for occupancy.
  4. Other conditions as the President or designee deems as appropriate.
Procedures, Forms, and Documents


The College will take every reasonable precaution for the safety and security of the students, employees, and visitors. The College will include safety education and accident prevention in instructional offerings as appropriate.

Procedures, Forms, and Documents


The President or designee will maintain the College's educational functions and services. The President will take necessary measures to prevent injury to people and property by stopping any campus disruption with legal and prompt use of College employees and local law enforcement agencies if necessary.

Procedures, Forms, and Documents


Safety violation includes any non-accidental conduct that interferes with or otherwise compromises any college policy, equipment, or procedure relating to the safety and security of the campus community.

Breaching campus safety or security, includes but is not limited to:

  1. Unauthorized access to college facilities; intentionally damaging door locks; unauthorized possession of college keys or access cards; duplicating college keys or access cards; or propping open of exterior doors.
  2. Tampering with fire safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, alarm pull stations or emergency exists.
  3. Placement of equipment or vehicles including bicycles so as to obstruct the means of access to/from college buildings.
  4. Entering or remaining in any closed college facility or entering after the closing time of the college facility without permission of a college official.
  5. Operation of any motor vehicle on college property in an unsafe manner or in a manner which is reasonably perceived as threatening the health or safety of another person.
Procedures, Forms, and Documents


The College will establish a college safety committee as required by state law to review safety/security requirements, make recommendations for improvements, and monitor compliance with state safety and health regulations.

Procedures, Forms, and Documents


All capital projects the College proposes and develops will comply with laws and guidelines on environmental policy established by the state and the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.

Procedures, Forms, and Documents

No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.


The College will value the environment and strive to promote conserving natural resources and the goals of the Growth Management Act and Sustainable Practices Executive Order. The College will promote sustainable practices and sustainability education at the college and in the community.

Procedures, Forms, and Documents


The College will follow the principles of integrated pest management as state law requires. The College desires to provide students and employees a healthy learning and working environment by using ecologically sound methods and practices to prevent and suppress pest problems.

Procedures, Forms, and Documents



Chapter Reviewed and Revised: February through August 2009, March 2013, June 2014
Board of Trustees Adoption: May 3, 2010