Ch. 3 Human Resources
Chapter 3 Human Resources
The Board of Trustees delegates to the college President its authority and responsibility to administer College District 26 in accordance with laws, policies, and rules approved or sanctioned by the Board of Trustees. At the operational level, the president has final administrative authority over all matters affecting the college district.
Adopted April 12, 1995
Revised December 10, 1997
Revised September 13, 1995
Revised September 1, 1998
Revised May 10, 2021
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
Lake Washington Institute of Technology is a member of the Washington State Community and Technical College System. As such, all college employees are state employees and are considered regular employees if expected to be employed for more than six months. The college has the following employee groups:
- Academic: Employees represented by the Lake Washington Federation of Teachers, Local 3533 AFT/AFL-CIO.
- Administrative: Employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement and whose relationship with the college is defined by an employment agreement.
- Classified: Employees represented by the Federation of Classified Employees, Local No. 4787 and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 32.
Any administrative procedures developed by the college are intended to give guidance to employees but not to supersede any applicable collective bargaining agreements, administrative contracts, or administrative handbook.
Adopted April 12, 1995
Revised June 21, 1995
Revised September 13, 1995
Revised December 10, 1997
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
It is the intent of the college to attract and retain diverse, highly-qualified employees. The college will establish recruitment and hiring procedures in support of this effort. Hiring requirements for Academic and Classified employees are set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements.
Adopted April 12, 1995
Revised June 21, 1995
Revised September 13, 1995
Revised December 10, 1997
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
The college requires all new employees (including part-time hourly and adjunct faculty) and student employees to submit to a criminal history check. Particular emphasis is placed on checking for convictions as defined in Washington State Law, RCW 43.43.830, "Crimes against children or other persons." The college reserves the right to revoke employment offers based on the results of criminal history checks.
Adopted May 10, 2021
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
In the appointment and/or hiring of faculty and staff, the college seeks those persons best qualified to fulfill the college’s objectives. Accordingly, members of the same family may be appointed and/or hired to faculty and staff positions when it has been determined they are the most qualified candidates for this position. However, a person may not be hired into a position that would result in a relationship where the employee is involved in the recruitment, screening, appointment and/or hiring, termination of employment, promotion, demotion, approval of salary increase or decrease, supervision, or evaluation of a member of the employee’s family or a person with whom the employee shares a substantial economic interest. Otherwise, family relationships will not be used as a basis for granting or denying employment rights, privileges, or benefits.
Adopted December 9, 1992
Revised May 10, 2021
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
3.P.11 Evaluation
The college recognizes that feedback on performance as well as the establishment of professional goals is important for employee development. As such, evaluations will take place regularly in order to improve the educational capability of the college. Applicable evaluation processes for Academic or Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements.
Adopted February 12, 1992
Revised April 12, 1995
Revised June 21, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.13 Personnel Files
The college will establish procedures providing for the maintenance of employee personnel records and for the inspection of those records by the employee. Personnel file management for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements.
Adopted February 12, 1992
Revised April 12, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.15 Salary/Title Changes
Reclassification for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements. Administrative employees will follow the Administrative position review procedures established by the college.
Adopted May 10, 2021
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.17 Flexible, Telework, and Reduced Work Schedules
It is the intent of the college to promote employee well-being and work-life balance by offering flexible schedules, remote (telework) working opportunities, and reduced/part-time schedules, to the extent possible and in accordance with applicable laws and collective bargaining agreements, without negatively impacting operations or services to students and within the college’s financial means.
Such schedules must be requested and approved by the employee’s supervisor in accordance with the college’s applicable procedures and should address:
- How service will be maintained;
- How communication will be maintained;
- In remote situations, what equipment will be used and what security protocols will be in place; and,
- In reduced schedules, what work will be accomplished in the reduced hours and how work will be delegated, if applicable.
Some positions may not be able to take advantage of such opportunities due to safety, maintenance, or service concerns. Additionally, such opportunities may only be available during select times.
Flexible schedule may include the following:
- Staggered hours within a fixed schedule: Employees establish starting and ending times that differ from the department’s norm, but keep the same schedule each day (e.g., Monday‐Friday, (9:30‐6 or 7‐3:30).
- Core hours within a variable schedule: Employees must be present during specified core hours determined by the supervisor/manager, but may adjust their arrival and departure times each day (e.g., set coverage 10‐2 every day, but the other four and a half hours per day vary). It is expected that the employee will work a set number of hours each week.
- Variable day: Employees may work a consistent schedule of a different number of hours each day as long as they achieve the expected number of hours within the week (e.g., Monday, Wednesday ten hours; Tuesday, Friday eight hours; Thursday six and a half hours).
- Mid‐Day Flextime: Employees may take a longer scheduled break than usual if they make up the extra time by starting work earlier or staying later (e.g., work 8‐12; break 12‐2; work 2‐6:30)
- Compressed Work Week: A compressed work week allows employees to work full‐time hours in fewer than five days per week (e.g., For a 40-hour a week employee, a full‐time schedule of work is accomplished by working four 10-hour days or over two weeks by working 80 hours in nine days - eight 9-hour days plus one 8-hour day, for example).
Telework work opportunity means part or all work is done from home or another location that is not owned or operated by the college and that the employee is connected by computer and/or telephone to the office. The college may allow employees to work remotely (telework) on a regular basis. This policy may also apply in instances where a pandemic or natural disaster necessitates remote work arrangements. This policy does not apply to requests for reasonable accommodation (or occasional work from home arrangements, such as instances of inclement weather). Employees requesting to telework as a reasonable accommodation should follow the college’s procedures on requests for reasonable accommodation. Regular telework requests should follow the Telework Request Procedures.
Reduced Work Schedules. If requested by the employee and applicable union, a part-time or reduced schedule may be available. The situation and job requirements will be analyzed to determine if the role can be accomplished in fewer hours. Employees availing themselves of such an opportunity should understand that their original hours may no longer be available if they wish to return to the original schedule. Examples of such reduced schedules include: three or four days a week, 8‐hour days; five days a week, 4‐7 hour days; and/or; two days a week, 10 hour days.
Adopted May 10, 2021
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.19 Leave Administration
Lake Washington Institute of Technology will establish and maintain leave procedures for Academic, Administrative and Classified employees.
Adopted February 12, 1992
Revised April 12, 1995
Revised June 21, 1995
Revised December 10, 1997
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
3.P.21 Annual Leave
If applicable, annual leave for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements. Administrative employees will accrue twenty-five (25) prorated days of annual leave per year. Unused annual leave may be accumulated up to a maximum of thirty (30) days. Administrative and Classified employees should make every effort to make sure they do not carry a leave balance over 30 days. The college President accrues annual leave in accordance with the terms of their contract of employment.
Cash payment in lieu of accumulated annual leave may be made upon employee’s separation from the college except in cases of a transfer to another Washington state agency in which case the balance will be transferred to that state agency. Eligible employees transferring to the college from another Washington state agency or state community college may have their annual leave balance transferred.
Adopted February 12, 1992
Revised June 10, 1992
Revised April 12, 1995
Revised August 13, 1997
Revised June 24, 2004
Revised June 8, 2009
Revised June 21, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.23 Personal Leave
If applicable, personal leave for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements. For Administrative employees, personal leave is administered as follows:
- Administrative staff shall be eligible for up to four (4) days of paid personal leave annually.
- Personal leave is granted on July 1 of each year.
Personal leave shall not accrue from year to year and is not eligible for cash payout.
Adopted October 4, 2004
Revised June 21, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.25 Bereavement Leave
If applicable, bereavement leave for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements. Administrative employees shall be granted five (5) days of bereavement pay. Bereavement leave can be used for the death of a family member or household member. It is not accrued from year to year and is not deducted from any leave accruals. “Family member” means a parent, step-parent, sister, brother, parent-in-law, spouse, registered domestic partner, grandparent, grandchild, minor/dependent child, and child. “Household members” are defined as persons who reside in the same home who have reciprocal duties to and provide financial support for one another. “Household member” does not include persons sharing the same house when the living style is primarily that of a dormitory or commune.
Adopted February 12, 1992
Revised April 12, 1995
Revised June 21, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.27 Sick Leave
If applicable, sick leave for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements. For Administrative employees, sick leave is administered as follows:
- Accrual: Administrative employees working at least 50% or more will accrue sick leave at the rate of one (1) prorated day for each calendar month they are employed or are on approved, paid leave.
- Accumulation: Each Administrative employee’s unused leave will accumulate from year to year without limit so long as they are continuously employed by the college.
- Attendance Incentive Program: Administrative employees are eligible for annual payoff of sick leave in accordance with the Attendance Incentive Program, RCW 28B.50.553. Eligible employees will be advised by Payroll of this opportunity. If applicable, Attendance Incentive Program for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements.
According to RCW 28B.50.551(4), resigned employees or any employee who ceases to be employed by the college (e.g., dismissals, RIFs) are not paid for accrued sick leave nor unused personal days.
Adopted February 12, 1992
Revised April 12, 1995
Revised June 21, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
3.P.29 Emergency Leave
If applicable, emergency leave for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements. Administrative employees may use up to five (5) prorated days for emergencies per year. Emergency leave is deducted from the employee’s sick leave balance and does not accrue from year to year. An emergency is defined as a sudden, unexpected event which requires time away from work which is beyond the control of the employee.
Adopted April 17, 1995
Revised June 21, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.31 Family and Medical Leave
In accordance with state and federal law, the College provides family and medical leave for eligible employees. This policy, together with its procedures, is intended to provide guidance to the College in developing and administering the rights and obligations as they relate to the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1995 and Washington State’s Paid Family and Medical Leave.
Adopted April 12, 1995
Revised June 21, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
- Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (1995)
- Washington State Paid Family and Medical Leave
- FMLA Eligibility-Notice of Rights
- FMLA Leave Designation
3.P.33 Civil Duty Leave
If applicable, civil duty leave for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements. Leave of absence with pay will be granted to any Administrative employee who:
- has been selected for jury duty;
- must appear as a witness in a trial when they are not a party in the trial; or
- must exercise other civic duties.
This policy covers employees who are summoned or subpoenaed to perform civic duties.
Adopted February 12, 1992
Revised April 12, 1995
Revised June 21, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.35 Military Leave
If applicable, military leave for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements. Administrative employee’s military leave shall be governed by RCW 38.40.060 and all applicable federal laws.
Adopted April 12, 1995
Revised June 21, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
3.P.37 Leave of Absence Without Pay
If applicable, leave without pay for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements. For Administrative employees, leave without pay is voluntary. Leave of Absence Without Pay may be granted for illness, injury, surgery, or other temporary disability; or for professional, family, or other personal reasons.
- Short-term Leave: Administrative employees may use leave without pay for short-term absences upon approval of their supervisor. Short-term leave without pay cannot exceed 90 calendar days. If a second consecutive short-term leave is required, it is considered long-term leave without pay and must go through the long-term leave process.
- Long-term Leave: A leave without pay for compelling personal reasons may be granted to Administrative employees for up to one year upon approval of the President. Such extended leave begins from the time an employee's leave commences until they return to continuous service. Depending on the length of the extended leave of absence without pay, employees returning from a long-term leave of absence may be assigned to their original or equivalent position.
Adopted February 12, 1992
Revised April 12, 1995
Revised June 21, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.39 Shared Leave
The purpose of the shared leave program is to permit state employees, at no significantly increased cost to the state, to share their accrued leave with another state employee that meets eligibility criteria (WAC 357.31.390). The College may authorize shared leave for employees who have exhausted accrued leave and are absent due to emergency situations such as communicable disease epidemics. The College maintains procedures to support shared leave in accordance with RCW 41.04.
Adopted February 12, 1992
Revised May 10, 2021
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
3.P.41 Employee Faith or Conscience Leave
LWTech employees may request two days of excused absences per academic year for reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization. The college will allow such absences unless they create an undue hardship for the college or it is determined that the employee’s presence is necessary to maintain public safety. “Undue hardship” means an action requiring significant difficulty or expense to the employer as defined by the Office of Financial Management under Washington Administrative Code (WAC 82.56). Each holiday taken under this policy must be taken as a whole day, i.e. the day may not be divided into hours and taken piecemeal. Employees may use annual, personal, or leave without pay.
Adopted September 11, 2017
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
3.P.43 Compensation
Compensation for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements. Administrative employees are compensated commensurate with their job duties and responsibilities.
Adopted April 17, 1995
Revised May 25, 2010
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.45 Contracts
Academic employees receive contracts as set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreement. Administrative employees receive an employment contract upon hire that describes the terms and conditions for employment.
Adopted May 10, 2021
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.47 Professional Development
The college supports both career-related and job-related professional development activities. It is expected that employees and supervisors discuss professional development issues and opportunities. Employees may participate in professional development as mutually agreed with their supervisor to develop skills for upward mobility. If applicable, professional development for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements.
Adopted February 12, 1992
Revised April 12, 1995
Revised June 21, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.49 Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical leave is available to administrative employees pursuant to the provisions below. Faculty and Classified employees should refer to their respective collective bargaining agreements for related provisions, if any.
- Purpose
Administrative sabbatical leave is designed to benefit the college and its students by providing administrative employees with the opportunity to engage in activities leading to professional growth and revitalization. Such leave would allow eligible employees an extended period of time free from normal contractual obligations in order to pursue legitimate professional goals. This purpose is consistent with the provisions of RCW 28B.10.650 as they now exist (or hereafter amended) and with this college's commitment to the professional development of its employees. Appropriate uses of sabbatical leave would include formal study, travel, work experience in one’s administrative area, or any other activity which would contribute substantially to the improvement of administrative abilities. - Eligibility
Sabbatical leave may be granted for one, two or three quarters after completion of the equivalent of six (6) years of full-time permanent employment as an employee of the college. The sabbatical can be taken at any time once the waiting period has been met. The waiting period will not be reset until a sabbatical is awarded and taken. Employees awarded sabbatical leave will be eligible for additional award after a second six (6) year period of full-time, permanent employment, inclusive of time on sabbatical leave. It is not intended that sabbatical leave be accrued. - Approval
All sabbatical leaves require the approval of the President. The number of sabbatical leaves approved by the President shall not exceed one administrative employee at any one time. - Compensation
- Administrators are encouraged to seek outside funding support for their sabbaticals. Compensation from the college during leave shall be up to 72% of the recipient's daily salary, per employment contract, for the year in which the leave is taken, but shall not exceed the average of the highest quartile of a rank order of salaries of all full-time teaching faculty holding academic year contracts at the college.
- Other accrued leave (vacation or personal) cannot be used to supplement the reduced Sabbatical rate.
- Total sabbatical cost, including the cost of replacement personnel, shall not exceed 150% of employee's annual salary with benefits.
- Sabbatical leave salary from the college may be negotiated downward if outside funding plus sabbatical leave pay from the college exceed 100% of the recipient's full-time contractual salary for the period of the leave. In all cases remuneration will be in compliance with RCW 28B.10.650.
- Leave Contract
- When the President grants a sabbatical leave, the recipient shall sign a contract
with the college specifying:
- The length of sabbatical leave, including start and end dates.
- The amount of sabbatical payment.
- A commitment to perform according to the approved sabbatical leave plan.
- That the recipient will return to employment at the college for a period at least commensurate with the amount of leave granted. Failure to comply with this provision shall constitute an obligation of the recipient to repay to the college any remuneration received from the college during the leave.
- That the recipient will submit a written report to the President within 60 days upon returning from leave, summarizing the work completed during the sabbatical leave and describing how the new knowledge will be used.
- Non-compliance with the above terms of the leave contract will be in accordance with RCW 28B.10.650.
- When the President grants a sabbatical leave, the recipient shall sign a contract
with the college specifying:
- Employee Rights
- The time spent on sabbatical leave shall be recognized as equivalent to time spent as a full-time employee of the college.
- With the exception of annual vacation leave, all other benefits shall accrue to the administrator on sabbatical leave.
- Exceptions
This policy is not meant to be restrictive but rather inclusive. Therefore, exceptions to this policy may be made by the President on a case-by-case basis.
Adopted February 12, 1992
Revised April 12, 1995
Revised May 10, 2021
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
3.P.51 Professional or Extended Leave
In some instances, employees may require leave that does not rise to the level of sabbatical leave (less than one quarter) but is intended to enhance skills or refresh professionally. In such cases, upon approval by the supervisor and the President, the employee may take leave using a combination of leave without pay, vacation, or personal leave. Such leave requests will be made in accordance with applicable procedures.
Adopted May 10, 2021
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.53 Separation
Separation for Academic and Classified employees is set forth in their respective collective bargaining agreements. Administrative employees can be separated in accordance with the terms of their Administrative employment contract.
Adopted February 12, 1992
Revised April 12, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.55 Termination of Administrators
On or before April 1 of each year, administrative employees will be notified if their employment will not be continued for the following academic year. An Administrative employee does not have any contract or other property right in continued employment beyond the term of their contract. Additionally, the college reserves the right to terminate administrative employees as set forth in their administrative contracts.
Adopted February 12, 1992
Revised April 12, 1995
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.57 Resignation
Resignations should be submitted with two weeks’ notice if possible, and must be in writing as soon as practical after the decision has been made to resign. Resignations of academic positions should correspond with the completion of the applicable academic quarter, if possible. The written resignation shall include the final date of employment.
Adopted December 10, 1997
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.
3.P.59 Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association
The college participates in a post-retirement medical benefits plan for Academic, Administrative and Classified employees using funds from sick leave buyouts at retirement, as authorized by RCW 28B.50.553 and RCW 41.04.340. Such plans are commonly called “VEBA” plans (Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary Association), and the plan for the Washington Community and Technical Colleges is the VEBA CTC Plan.
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
3.P.61 Job Abandonment
The college expects employees to report for work on time for every scheduled shift. An employee who is unable to report to work at the designated time is required to notify their supervisor as soon as practicable but no later than the employee's scheduled start time. Employees who fail to report to work for three consecutive business days without notifying the college of the absence will be considered as having voluntarily resigned as a result of job abandonment.
If the employee is unable to contact the college for any absence they should ask a representative (such as a family member or friend) to do so on the employee's behalf. If the employee or a representative is unable to contact the college due to extreme circumstances (such as a medical emergency or natural disaster that prohibits the employee or their representative from contacting the college within three days), the employee or their representative must contact the college as soon as practicable to explain the situation. In extreme circumstances, the college will consider the explanation and its timing before determining if the voluntary resignation will be upheld.
Adopted May 10, 2021
Procedures, Forms, and Documents
No applicable procedures, forms, and documents available.