Admissions Process

All interested students are encouraged to apply for admission to LWTech, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Undocumented students may submit the HB 1079 affidavit to Enrollment Services (West Building, W201) if they meet both of the following criteria:

  1. Earn a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent before your first term at the college
  2. Maintain a primary residence in Washington for at least 12 consecutive months immediately before your first term at the college.
  3. The Washington residence must be primarily for purposes other than postsecondary education. This means if you take more than six college credits (not including dual credit) in any one term after moving to Washington, you cannot count those terms as part of the 12 consecutive months of maintaining a primary residence (unless you prove postsecondary education was not the main reason for establishing a primary residence in Washington).

What is HB 1079/The Affidavit?

In 2003, the Washington State Legislature approved House Bill (HB) 1079, which allows eligible undocumented students to pay resident tuition at state colleges and universities in Washington. Under HB 1079, students are considered “residents” for the purposes of higher education - it does not change official documentation status.

Download the HB 1079 affidavit

Contact for Additional Information

For questions regarding admission, please contact an Admissions Coach online or by phone (425) 739-8381 or by email