Adult Education


GED® Testing Service is a joint venture between Pearson and the American Council on Education(ACE). GED® Testing Service provides opportunities to transform lives, support families, and build stronger communities. We offer any adult the opportunity to earn a high school equivalency credential, prepare for a better job, support their family, and realize their dream for a better life. People with a high school credential earn $568,000 more in a lifetime than people without a high school credential.


  1. Go to GED® Testing Service
  2. Register and schedule for your test and
  3. Make the payment online when registering
  4. Requests for disability accommodation must be made through your MYGED® portal account.

For detailed instructions, see the Scheduling tab below.


Accommodated testing is available for students with documented disabilities. If you need accommodated testing, please contact the Disability Support Services office.

More Information on GED® Testing


The 2014 GED® test is a four-subject high school equivalency test that measures skills required by high schools and requested by colleges and employers. The four subjects are Science, Social Studies, and Mathematical Reasoning, and Reasoning through Language Arts. It is offered in English and Spanish and delivered on computer at an official GED® testing center. After you pass the GED® test, your diploma or credential will be issued by your state but you'll receive a GED® transcript to apply to college, start training, or get a better job.

  • The Reasoning Through Language Arts test is 155 minutes and is three sections:
    • Section 1 (35 minutes) test all content
    • Section 2 (45 minutes) is the Extended Response portion
    • Student break (10 minutes)
    • Section 3 (60 minutes) tests all content

There is a five-minute check-in time an 150-minute testing time per Pearson VUE

  • The Mathematical Reasoning test is 120 minutes and is one single section with two parts.
    • Part 1 - (First five questions) calculators are not allowed
    • Part 2 - ( Remaining 41 test questions) calculators are allowed

There is a five-minute check-in time and 115-minute testing time per Pearson VUE

  • The Social Studies test is 95 minutes and testing is in two sections:
    • Section 1 ( 65 minutes) tests all content
    • Section 2 ( 25 minutes) is the Extended Response portion of the test

There is a five-minute check in time and 90-minute testing time per Pearson VUE)

  • The Science test is 95 minutes and is one single section. There are two short answer questions, but they are not timed separately. Students are expected to manage their time and spend about 10 minutes on each of the short answer questions.

There is a five-minute check in time and 90-minute testing time per Pearson VUE)

In Washington, you must be 19 years old in order to test. If you are between 16 and 18 years old and not enrolled or graduated from high school, you may also be eligible. For more information visit GED® Testing Service.

The cost for each exam is $30.00 payable online through your MYGED® portal account. Payment method is by credit card (Visa, Master, pre-paid credit, or debit). The total cost for all four exams is $120.

  1. If you are under the age of 19, please email the Assessment Center to request a GED Age Waiver Release Form which will need to be signed and returned prior to registering for the GED Test online.
  2. Before your test, visit GED® Testing Service to register and create a MYGED® account.
    • Please note: Your name and signature must exactly match your valid photo-identification that is presented at the test center. If your name and signature does not match you will not be able to sit for your exam and you will not receive a refund. To change your name, contact Pearson VUE at 1-877-EXAM-GED® or 1-877-392-6433, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., CST.
    • If you do not have an email account, GED® Testing Service will provide you may get a step-by-step instructions for creating an email account.
  3. Schedule a test through your MyGED® portal account, by clicking on "Start Scheduling" icon. You will be asked to review the testing policies before selecting your exams. Select the content areas (GED® exam subject), location, date, and time you want to take during this appointment. Lake Washington Institute of Technology offers GED® testing every Tuesday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m..
  4. Payment must be made in full through your MYGED® portal account.
  5. You must cancel your test 24 hours in advance to receive a refund.
  6. Requests for disability accommodation must be made through your MYGED® portal account. For more information on accommodations, email 

  • Arrive 15 minutes early prior to your schedule test time. Late arrivals will not be permitted to test. No refunds.
  • Bring an official government-issued photo identification such as a driver's license, state ID card, or passport.
  • Bring a pre-purchased testing voucher with a name that exactly matches your government-issued photo identification.
  • Get a Lake Washington Institute of Technology student identification number from our Enrollment Services in West Building, W201 before testing.
  • Provide additional documentation if you are between 16 and 18 years old. Forms are available on GED® Testing Service.

Note: Please arrange for childcare as children are not permitted in the Assessment Center. Also, tests may be canceled due to holidays or emergency school closures.

The GED® test will have a passing score of 150 on each test part. Therefore, you must reach a score of at least 150 on each part and a total score of 600 across the four-part battery in order to receive your GED® test credential.

If you have passed all five of the tests and earned a total score of 2250 or more and need a copy of your transcript, make the request through the GED® Testing Service. Select the state or jurisdiction (Washington). If you tested on or after 2002, click on Washington - tested on or after 2002. If you tested before 2002, click on Washington - tested before 2002.

The retake fee is $10 per subject. Students who don't pass get two discounted retakes for every subject purchased. The discounted rate is automatically calculated in your MYGED® account shopping cart. Discounted retakes are good for 12 months after the initial test attempt. Students can test three times on the same subject without waiting. After the third attempt, there is a 60-day wait before testing again.


Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS)

The Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS) test is commonly used in the United States for adult learners. Students who want to enroll in English Language Learning (ELL) or Adult Basic Education classes, or who want to enroll in any of LWTech's I-BEST pathways must take a combination of a reading, listening, or math test in addition to providing a writing sample.

Scheduling and Location 

To schedule a testing appointment, please contact the Essential Skills Office at or (425) 739-8331. 


West Building, W205

For more information visit the BEDA webpage.


Accommodated testing is available for students with documented disabilities. If you need accommodated testing, please contact the Disability Support Services office.

More About CASAS

Students who haven’t already taken and completed 100-level writing and math classes are eligible to take the CASAS test.

All CASAS test are free for students to take.

Each CASAS test takes up to 90 minutes.

  • Arrive 15 minutes early prior to your scheduled test time. Late arrivals will not be permitted to test.
  • Bring an official government-issued photo identification such as a driver's license, state ID card, or passport.
  • Bring your Lake Washington Institute of Technology student identification number. [NOTE: with our move to using the online application, students will be taking the test after they complete the application and will have been given their SIDs]

Note: Please arrange for childcare as children are not permitted in the Assessment Center. Also, tests may be canceled due to holidays or emergency school closures.

The CASAS test is use for placement and eligibility purposes. For English Language Learning (ELL) and Adult Basic Education classes, student test scores are used to properly place students in one of 9 different ELL and ABE levels. For I-BEST students, the CASAS test helps determine whether students are eligible to enroll in the I-BEST program.  


English Language Learning (ELL)

English Language Learning (ELL) placement testing is offered through the Academic Support Center by appointment only. Placement is not offered through the Assessment Center. To learn more please visit the ELL webpage.