General Education Requirements

Our general education courses help you meet certificate and degree requirements in written communication (English), quantitative reasoning (math), humanities, social science, and natural science. These courses assist in preparing you for success in technical programs, careers, and transfer education. We offer a breadth of general education courses in each distribution area and specialize in providing math and science courses for STEM transfer students who plan to attend a university after completing coursework at LWTech.

Two LWTech students work together in the chemistry lab.


General Education Departments

Quantitative Reasoning (Math)

Quantitative Reasoning courses at LWTech provides classes that meet the general education requirements for degrees and certificates at the college. The department offers courses at all levels, from basic math through multi-variable calculus.

Written Communication (English)

Written Communication courses at LWTech include pre-college courses (ENGL 93 and ENGL 99) and generally transferable, college-level courses (ENGL&101, ENGL&102, and ENGL&235).


The Humanities Department at LWTech includes courses in Fine Arts, Language (American Sign Language, English, and Spanish), Communication, History, Humanities, and Philosophy.

Natural Science

The Natural Science Department at LWTech includes courses in Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Nutrition, and Physics.

Social Science

The social science department is part of the LWTech general education program, which helps students develop foundational skills. These skills prepare our students for success in technical programs and careers, cultivate critical thinking, and foster the values of life-long learning.