DEN Food Pantry

The Daily Eating Necessities (DEN) Food Pantry is a project developed by the Associated Student Government to provide small snacks for students struggling with food insecurity. ASG is also collecting “on the go”, microwavable meal options for students as well as self-care products. The DEN will help alleviate stress students experience from food insecurity while they are on campus. Please read the information below to learn more about the DEN and the huge impact it has on our college campus!

DEN Information

The DEN is located next to East Building, E128 (Student Programs Office).

  • Before you take an item from the DEN make sure to complete the quick survey on the tablet next to the food pantry.
  • You are allowed to take up to three (3) items from the DEN, wether it is food for here or food for home.
  • If you are looking for utensils or a bowl stop by the front desk and ask.
  • Notify us if you would like to see more of a specific item or if you notice that the DEN is empty. Please make sure to throw your garbage in a trash can when you're done eating.

Here are a couple examples of items you can find at the DEN:

  • Instant mac and cheese
  • Canned beans and Chili
  • Canned fruit
  • Canned soup
  • Crackers and Chips
  • Cereal and Oatmeal
  • Granola Bars
  • Beef Stew
  • Ramen Noodles
  • Soft Drinks
  • Peanut Butter
  • Self-care products

There are different types of donations that we have received for the DEN We accept items listed in the "Provided items" tab as well as any non-perishable food items.

In the past we have also received monetary donations in the form of grocery gift cards or checks. We use these funds to keep our campus food pantry stocked for our students.

Most recently we have begun to accept donations for self-care products.

How to Access the DEN


ASG Office Information