The Lion's Pride

The Lion's Pride showcases the creativity of LWTech's diverse student body and academic programs. The publication welcomes submissions in a variety of written,
video, and audio formats including:

  • poetry, short stories, other fiction writing
  • essays, research papers, interviews, other non-fiction writing
  • illustrations, digital art
  • design work
  • memoirs
  • photographs of physical projects

Submission Deadline

April 19, 2024

We plan to release our next issue of The Lion's Pride during Spring Quarter of 2024, so please consider submitting work before our next submission deadline: April 19, 2024. This work could include written pieces, visual or multimedia projects, or photos of any other projects you may have created in classes or on your own. Work received after the next submission deadline will be saved and considered for the Spring 2025 issue.

Submit Today!

Questions? Email Wes Mantooth