LWTech Academic Honor Society

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is an international honor society that recognizes and encourages scholarship among two-year college students. The mission of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize academic achievement of college students and to provide opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders.

The LWTech chapter of PTK is Beta Iota Tau. Our chapter provides opportunities for the development of leadership and service, an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, lively fellowship for scholars, and stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.

Becoming a member of the Beta Iota Tau chapter of PTK allows students access to scholarships and resources that can help them complete their educational goals.

Benefits of Membership

Membership in PTK is a way for students to be officially recognized for their hard work and academic excellence. When students join they will receive a membership certificate and pin. PTK is an internationally recognized organization, and students can include membership on their resume to indicate commitment to the PTK values of scholarship, leadership, and service.

When members graduate, they can wear Phi Theta Kappa regalia at the Commencement Ceremony, and receive a stamp on their transcript and sticker on their diploma.

A primary benefit of PTK membership is access to scholarships that are open only to PTK members. PTK has a comprehensive website that lists all scholarship opportunities for members.

PTK has several opportunities and resources for members to develop leadership skills and further their academic pursuits:

Chapter Projects

The Chapter works on various projects that allow members to sharpen their academic skills and give back to the community. Learn more about the activities and projects our chapter is working on.

Leadership of Chapter

Members can become a Chapter Officer to lead the chapter and develop as a leader and professional.

Professional Development Course

Five Star Competitive Edge is PTK's exclusive online professional development plan for members to practice and strengthen their soft skills, including: communication, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, and professional etiquette.

College Transfer Assistance

CollegeFish.org is an online resource  dedicated to promoting two year completion and transfer pathways. Students can get matched to colleges, access to scholarships, and create a transfer plan.

Students at LWTech who join PTK are students who value academic excellence, leadership, service, and have a strong work ethic. 

Becoming a member of the LWTech chapter of PTK is an excellent way to get connected with other students who share your goals and work ethic. Because PTK is open to students in all programs members have the opportunity to network with a wide range of other students.

Members also have opportunities to do service in our community, attend workshops and conferences, and to grow as a servant leader and  scholar.


How to Join

To be eligible to be invited to join PTK, a student must be currently enrolled at LWTech in a Certificate, Associates, or Bachelors program, have completed the minimum number of college level credits at LWTech, and have a cumulative college level GPA of at least 3.5.

(College level classes are all classes at the 100 level or above. For example English 099 is not a college-level class) 

Type of Degree Minimum Completed College Level Credits Minimum Cumulative College Level GPA
Certificate of 1 year  9  3.5
 Associates 12  3.5
 Bachelors 12  3.5


If you joined PTK at another two-year college, you may transfer your PTK membership to the LWTech chapter. In order to receive the benefits of a PTK member while at LWTech, you must transfer your membership. Contact the PTK Chapter Advisor to transfer your membership.

If you transfer from LWTech to another school with a Phi Theta Kappa chapter, you can transfer your membership there.

Each quarter, the LWTech Chapter invites all eligible students at LWTech to become a member of PTK.

Students receive an email invitation (to their student e-mail account) the quarter following the quarter they met the eligibility requirements. For example, if you earn a cumulative college level 3.5 GPA in Fall Quarter, you will receive an invitation in Winter Quarter. Invitations are sent by the 4th week of the quarter.

If you believe you are eligible for membership but have not received an invitation, contact the PTK Chapter Advisor.

Membership costs $70, which is a one-time fee for a lifetime membership. The breakdown of the cost is:

  • $60 for the International Society
  • $5 for the Greater Northwest Region
  • $5 for the LWTech Chapter

Scholarships are available to assist students with financial need pay for the membership fee. To apply for a scholarship, contact the PTK Chapter Advisor.

The invitation is active until the last day of the quarter it was received in. If you do not accept membership by that date, your invitation will expire. If you do not accept membership initially, you will receive a new invitation each quarter you are eligible. If you do not want to continue to receive invitations, contact the PTK Chapter Advisor.

The LWTech PTK Chapter holds an Induction Ceremony each Winter and Spring Quarter for new members. This Ceremony officially welcomes new members into the chapter and recognizes them for their academic success. New members will receive an invitation to this Ceremony. 

New members are not required to attend an Induction Ceremony.


PTK Contact Information