Voting Information

LWTech Votes

The Associated Student Government (ASG) supports all students wanting to know more about voting, registering, and going out to vote in an election. The following resources are available for those looking for more information or to engage in voting.

Washington Campus Voting Challenge

The Washington Campus Voting Challenge is part of the All IN Campus Democracy Challenge, and is a non-partisan competition among colleges and universities to increase student voter participation. The goal is to help students develop habits of active and informed citizenship. ASG will have information on campus throughout the year.

Voter Registration

Part of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as described in the Federal Financial Aid Handbook, includes requirements to have available paper voter registration forms. Those forms are available outside of the ASG office in East Building, E126 in multiple language. You can also register to vote, update your voter statues, and learn what's on the ballot in your area from the Washington's Secretary of State VoteWA portal.

LWTech Student Body Votes

ASG will sometimes bring issues before the student body to vote upon. If the student body is asked to vote on an issue that information will be available here.

Past Student Body Votes

The college has maintained a fitness center for students and employees for several years. To use the fitness center students would enroll for a 1 credit class and have access to use the center during open hours. In 2021 the college closed the fitness center instructional program. This left the college without the ability to manage the center due to state rules. State rules prohibit college instructional funding to pay for a non-instructional space. The Associated Student Government, for years, has advocated to administration that the fitness center be open and available to all students, not just for enrollment.

Recently, the ASG took a student poll and received this feedback regarding a self-assessed fee. This self-assessed fee, collected in tuition each quarter a student is enrolled would pay for the management of the fitness center. College employees would also have access to the fitness center, for a fee.

Would having access to an on campus fitness center be appealing to you?

  • Yes 87.90%
  • I'm not sure 7.47%
  • No 4.27%

Would you pay a quarterly fee to have access to an on-campus fitness center?

  • Yes 37.27%
  • I'm not sure 34.32%
  • No 28.41%

How much would you pay, per quarter, for full access to an on-campus fitness center?

  • $5 - $10 Dollars per quarter 51.63%
  • $10 - $20 Dollars per quarter 24.80%
  • $20 - $30 Dollars per quarter 14.63%
  • $30 - $40 Dollars per quarter 4.88%
  • $40 or more per quarter 4.07%

A technology fee shall be enacted at the cost of $4.00 per credit with a cap of $40.00 per quarter to be paid for by Lake Washington Institute of Technology students upon a simple majority of votes cast.

Technology support at Lake Washington Institute of Technology has become difficult with budget cuts and more creative technology solutions for our engaging programs. Significant funding to develop, manage, and replace technology used on both the Kirkland and Redmond campuses does not currently exist. The Associated Student Government, with approval from the LWTech Administration, is seeking support from the student body to pass a vote to create the first LWTech technology fee set at $4.00 a credit, with a cap of $40.00 per quarter. ASG is seeking this fee because it would like to see campus technology improved. That would include Wi-Fi, updated software and hardware, campus wide access to technology usage while in or out of classes. Decisions about the use of the funding would occur through the annual budget development process; with a committee to include majority students, and staff from information technology and student programs departments. This fee is revocable upon a vote from a majority of students, if that is the will of the student body.

Final In Person Vote

  • Yes 261
  • No 120
  • Total Voters 381
  • Majority Wins

Students were given the opportunity to develop ideas for a college mascot. Final ideas included the following mascot list. Students were asked to choose five from this list to hold a final vote.

  • 1990 Nissan 240 sx with drift damage
  • Banana Slug
  • Beaver
  • Birdie
  • Black Widow (spider coats logo)
  • Cobras
  • Coho
  • Crabs
  • Crocodile
  • Dinosaur
  • Dragon
  • Dragonfly
  • Eagle
  • Edward the Fish
  • Falcons
  • Fish
  • Fox
  • Ghosts
  • Giant Squid
  • Giraffe
  • Goldfish
  • Grizzly Bear
  • Hawks
  • Heron
  • Kenny the Kiwi
  • Key
  • Leopards
  • Ligers
  • Lion (named after the founder of the school)
  • Lions
  • Lizard
  • Lobsters
  • Lugnuts
  • Mad Dog
  • Melvin the Monkey
  • Missiles
  • Mouse with glasses
  • NanoBots
  • Nimbus the Scholar
  • Otters
  • Owls
  • Panthers
  • Perfect Circles
  • Pigeon
  • Polly the Platypus
  • Psycho Robot
  • Pug
  • Raging Guppy
  • Ravens
  • Red Tail Hawks
  • Robot
  • Sand Shrew
  • Scarlett Turtles
  • Scorpions
  • Sharks
  • Snake
  • Spartans
  • Spider Monkey
  • Stars
  • Steelhead
  • Strikers
  • Tech Dogs
  • Techs
  • Tigers
  • Tortoises
  • Totem Eagles
  • Totem Lake Eagles
  • Turkeys
  • Turtle
  • Vampire Bats
  • Trees
  • Wally the Wallaby
  • Wally the Walrus
  • Waves
  • Weeping Willow
  • Whales
  • Widows
  • Wilderbeasts
  • Willow the Timberwolf
  • Wolf
  • Working Man
  • The Western Red Cedar (Thuja Plicata)