Student Suggestions
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The Associated Student Government wants to know what students are thinking. Using this suggestion box let your ASG know how they may help make improvements, or address campus issues.
ASG Suggestion Box
Past Suggestions
When creating the scheduling for the next quarter, I would like the schedulers to make sure classes that are required for each degree aren't conflicting with each other. There is one class that is always conflicting with my degree class and they are always scheduled at the same time and day. I would like to finish my degree in the projected time. Scheduling needs to work with the Dept to make sure the classes are working together. NOW, if the classes are conflicting and there's no way to change it, please have professors be willing to record the classes and also not require attendances. Those two things would allow students to take the class they need and not have to wait for another full year to take that class. I am finding myself having to come back another quarter for 1 class! Like really!! If only that professor was willing to record and not take attendance, I would not have had to drop that class in order to go to my degree class!!!! Especially, when that's a required class for my degree!!
I would also like to suggest that students are made aware that classes are only offered quarterly, so if you don't take a class Fall quarter, you won't be able to take it again till the next Fall quarter. I didn't know that coming from a semester format and a larger college that I thought classes were offered year-round. However, it would had been nice to be made aware of that, so that I could have planned my academic journey better. Maybe that should be explained to incoming freshmen by advisors so that everyone takes the necessary classes, and this might help make classes fuller also because they understand that it's only being offered that 1 quarter. Depending on the class, maybe offer it during more than 1 quarter. There's a few classes in the 100 and 200 I see that are offered often, but maybe rotate those less taken one with a 300 one because after we take a 100 or 200 class we are all required to take a 300. I'm dreading waiting a whole year to take 1 class. Just a few thoughts!