LWTech Leadership Program (LEADS)


About the LWTech Leadership Program (LEADS)

Learning. Experiencing. Achieving. Developing. Succeeding.

Lake Washington Institute of Technology has established an internal leadership development program designed to provide professional growth opportunities for current and future leaders of the college. 

Applying to LWTech LEADS

No applications are being accepted at this time.

LWTech LEADS is based on:

Learning about yourself, leadership, the college, and the higher education system.

Experiencing new relationships with colleagues and mentors, as well as activities designed to foster growth.

Achieving new insights about yourself as a future leader.

Developing new skills and competencies as an individual.

Succeeding in moving towards your professional goals.

As a learning organization, LWTech is committed to creating an environment that supports employee growth and achievement, including professional development and training opportunities. Such an environment will not only help us better serve students, but will also allow us to attract and retain a diverse, high-quality workforce. Additionally, LWTech is committed to fostering campus leaders who are focused not only on the implementation of the college's vision, but who are committed to employees; value collaboration and accountability; and model respect and transparency.

A leader is far more than a label—leadership is about taking actions to create sustained, positive transformations within an organization. 

By the end of the program, LEADS participants will be able to:

  • Assess interest in, and readiness for a leadership position within LWTech and the community and technical college system.
  • Converse knowledgeably on key issues facing LWTech and the community and technical college system.
  • Demonstrate expanded understanding of the college's operations outside their own area of expertise, as well as external operations (fundraising, community relations, etc.).
  • Identify personal leadership strengths, and areas of improvement.

You will learn to:

  • Identify the personal and organizational values that drive you as a leader to carry out the college's vision.
  • Establish an alignment of personal values and organizational values to enthusiastically support the college's vision.
  • Develop strategies to sustain the college's values and vision during turbulent times as well as good times.
  • Understand how to manage and develop others.
  • Understand best practices in communication and collaboration to effectively solve problems and make good decisions.
  • Build your own brand and personal style as a leader.

LEADS Program Features

  • An assigned mentor to encourage and guide you, and to provide ongoing advice.
  • Regularly scheduled training opportunities from internal resources and trainers from the Puget Sound Region.

Participation Requirements

  • Employed by the College in a full-time capacity for at least one year, and in good standing.
  • Able to attend all scheduled training sessions and the presentation IN-PERSON.
  • Willing to actively participate in class discussions and team projects.
  • Be open to learning and growing personally and professionally.

Length of Program and Meeting Dates

The 2022-2023 program starts in October and will complete at the end of the academic year.
Typically the meetings will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. once a month on the first Friday. 

Meeting Dates

Outlook calendar invites will be sent to all attendees. 

Expected Commitment

  • Each monthly session will be approximately four hours in length.
  • In addition, you should expect to meet with your mentor at least once a month.
  • Plan on spending additional time on readings, class preparation and team projects.
  • Attend a least one LWTech Board of Trustees meeting.

Cohort Size

The cohort size is anticipated to be approximately comprised of nine people.

Participating in the LEADS Program

  • Understand the time commitment and participation requirements.
  • Discuss your interest in participation and the time commitment with your supervisor.
  • Complete the application form.*
  • Obtain your supervisor's approval, and the approval of your division's Executive Cabinet member. Support from your supervisor, with departmental commitment to provide the time required for the program is essential.
  • LEADS is considered a work activity and counts as part of your regular 40 hours per week, so your supervisor must approve the time needed for participation as it will not count as overtime.

*Your application will be reviewed by Executive Cabinet. If your application is approved, you will be notified by the Human Resources Department.

LEADS Graduates

2018-2019 Cohort

Jeff Troy
Lisa Anderson
Stacy Woodruff
Casey Huebner
Karen Lee
Mary Powers
Elaine Sawyer
Karyna Tytar
Stephanie Bazalar

2017-2018 Cohort

Noah DuPont
April Ake 
Christie Silva
Patricia Di-Cristo
Jeannie Damon
Casey Melnrick
Sarah Mason

2016-2017 Cohort

Jayne Heyde
Katrina Larrabee
Rhonda DeWitt
Aparna Sen
Alisa Shtromberg
Melissa Curtis
Rachelle Malat

2015-2016 Cohort

Vicki Chew
Kimberly Goddard
Seema Jain
Robert Mandy
Rhonda McElroy
Amy Nehme
Lynne Szymanski
Yuriy Timoshenko
Greg Weyer