Bike Locker Rentals

Lake Washington Institute of Technology has four bike lockers on campus that can be rented quarterly on a first come first serve basis to students, faculty, or staff. Lockers are located outside the East building exit doors, by the Chef City Grill and between the West building.


Type of Cost Cost
Rental Cost $10 per quarter, per locker
Key Deposit $10 per quarter, per locker
Refunded upon return of key to Facilities & Operations, East building, E199G. 


  1. Bike Locker are rented by the quarter to students, faculty, or staff.
  2. The bike owner is responsible for the bike and/or belongings locked in the bike locker.
  3. The locker is for use by ONE renter or user ONLY and is not transferable during the quarter.
  4. The college has the right to enter any locker for the purpose of maintenance, relocation, etc. The locker's owner will be notified, if access has been made by the college during the quarter by written notice, inside the locker. 

Read Full Bike Locker Agreement and Fill Out the Request Form