Crime Statistics

Safety at Lake Washington Institute of Technology is a top priority for all members of our community including students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors. The college mission can only be carried out in an environment where each person feels safe.

LWTech's Campus Safety and Security compiles Campus Crime Statistics in accordance with the procedures as set forth by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (originally known as The Student Right to Know Act).

Cleary Act Crime Statistics, Policies, and Reports

Daily Crime Log

The Daily Crime Log is a public record of all crimes reported to Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech) Security. Institutions that maintain a Campus Police or Security Department are required to disclose, in the Daily Log, any crime that occurred or is reported on campus or within the patrol jurisdiction of the campus police or security department. The Daily Crime Log lists the date and type of crime, and the location and disposition of the crime, when known. Unlike the Timely Warning, restricted to listed Clery Crimes, the Daily Log includes all crimes reported to Security; State definitions may be used to define these crimes. Reports must be logged into the Daily Crime Log within two business days; however, certain listed information may be withheld to protect victim confidentiality, ensure the integrity of ongoing investigations, or to keep a suspect from fleeing. Only the most limited information necessary may be withheld; even then it must be released, "once the adverse effect... is no longer likely to occur."

The Daily Crime Log must be available during normal business hours to employees and students as well as the general public (parents, local press, etc.). The Daily Crime Log will remain open for 60 days; subsequent to that, the Log must be available within two business days of a request for Log information. 

The Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech) Office of Campus Public Safety prepares an Annual Security Report (ASR) to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act and must be filed with the U.S. Department of Education by October 1, of each year. The full text of the ASR can be located on the Campus Safety webpage. This report is prepared in cooperation with the local law enforcement agencies surrounding the main LWTech Kirkland and Redmond campuses, the LWTech Offices of Administrative Services, Student Services, and Judicial Affairs and Campus Public Safety. Each entity provides updated information on their educational efforts and programs to comply with the Act; this information is compiled and listed in the ASR.

Required campus crimes, arrest and referral statistics include those reported to LWTech Campus Public Safety, designated campus officials (including but not limited to directors, deans, department heads, designated HR staff, judicial affairs, advisors to students/student organizations), and local law enforcement agencies. These statistics my also include crimes that have occurred in private residences or businesses.

Each year a written notice is mailed to current (enrolled) students, and current (employed) faculty and staff informing them of the web address where they can access the ASR. Copies of the ASR may be obtained at the Lake Washington Institute of Technology Office of Campus Public Safety located in the East Building, Room E145, in the Office of the Registrar/Enrollment Services, West Building, Room W201D, and in the Human Resources Office, East Building, Room E215B. All prospective students and employees may obtain a copy of the ASR from the Registrar/Enrollment Services Office (425) 739-8156 and/or the HR Office (425) 739-8251. The website address for the ASR will also be listed in LWTech Enrollment and Employment application packets and the College Class Schedule.