Common Questions

Ask a Librarian 

No matter where you are, your librarians can help meet your needs. We offer a variety of ways for you to get the answers you need from a librarian.

Need an answer now? Use the box on the right to chat with a librarian. Librarians contribute to this online reference service through ASK-WA and QuestionPoint. If your question cannot be answered immediately, it will be emailed to your LWTech librarians (if you provide your email address) and answered during library hours.

Chat with Us

Send us an email with a quick question, or a request for an appointment if you have a more involved need. You can also contact individual staff members.

Main Library

Librarian Sue Wozniak

Librarian Katherine Kelley

Stop by the Main Desk in the Technology Center building, T215 during our open hours to ask questions and get help from staff and librarians.

You can find our current hours on the Library main page


Request Resources

We can help you find articles, books, and movies that are not already in our collections. Find more information on the Library Request Items page

Request Items

Need to request an item that we don't already have? Learn more about interlibrary loan and other requests.

Find Tutoring

LWTech has several great resources for getting tutoring and other academic support. Find out more on the Tutoring Resources page.


Books from the regular collection are checked out for the quarter. All books are due back at the end of the quarter.

Reserve books are checked out for two hour library-use only and may not leave the library (with a few exceptions).

DVDs with a red dot on the spine may be checked out for seven days. DVDs without a red dot are for two hour library-use only and may not leave the library.

The library has laptops/netbooks available for students for three hour library-use only checkout.

Please see Study Room Reservation for information.

No. The closest bathrooms just outside the upper floor entrance of the library, near the IT and eLearning offices.

Yes, as long as you clean up after yourself.

No food is allowed in the Computer Lab, but bringing drinks is permissible.

No. You must print from a library computer.