Logging Into Webmail

Getting to Webmail

  1. Open a browser (Note: Firefox and Chrome work best).
  2. Go to LWTech.edu.
  3. Hover over the Students or Employees tab at the top.
  4. Below the Access heading in the dropdown menu, select Webmail.

LWTech website with a link to webmail located under Access.

Logging in

You will be redirected to the Okta login page to connect to Office 365 applications.

  1. Enter your student email address (s-first.last@lwtech.edu) OR employee email address (first.last@lwtech.edu). Then select Next.
    • Note: If you do not know your email address, call the IT Help Desk at (425) 739-8100 x8603. Please be ready will your LionsLink number so that we can verify your identity.
      LWTech Okta login screen
  2. Enter your password. Then select Verify.
    • Note: This password is the same one you use to log in to Canvas, school devices, and the school wifi. It is NOT the same as your LionsLink/ctcLink password.
    • If you do not know your password, click on Password Reset under the Access heading.
      Okta password page 
  3. Next you will need to select an additional verification option. It will automatically default to the last verification method you used. In this example, select Receive a code via SMS to verify via SMS (text message). To change your verification method select Verify with something else at the bottom.
    Additional verification options with an example of SMS verification Additional verification options
  4. Depending on your verification method, you may need to enter a verification code or scan a QR code. Additional directions are available on the Setting up LWTech Okta IT guide.
    Enter verification code
  5. Then select Verify. This will either take you to your email or to the Stay signed in? window. Select Yes. You may also want to select the checkbox Don't show this again.
    Stay signed in box
  6. You should now be logged in to your school email.
    Webmail of Outlook email