Construction Management DTA/MRP
Your Construction Management Transfer Pathway
Explore LWTech’s Construction Management program, a direct transfer pathway designed for those gearing up for Construction Management majors at Washington state universities. Our program is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to seamlessly transfer.
Our program is meticulously designed to give you the essential knowledge and skills, ensuring a seamless transition to Washington state universities. We keep our classes small so there's more personal interaction with your instructors, and hands-on training, which ensures a tailored learning experience for you.
LWTech’s Construction Management program serves as your bridge to various Construction Management majors at Washington state universities. Aligned with all requirements of Washington state’s Direct Transfer Agreement, this agreement meets all of the requirements of universities such as CWU, UW, or WSU for a major in Construction Management programs accredited by the American Council for Construction Education. Plus, it offers insights for transfer to EWU’s BS in Technology, Construction Management.
Your degree isn't just a milestone; it's a seamless gateway to a rewarding career in business.
Discover a world of opportunities with our Construction Management program at LWTech!
Construction Management Academic Info
Additional Program Information
Entry into the Construction Management DTA/MRP program requires completion of LWTech's general online application.
Key Contacts

Explore Careers and Paths in Construction Management
We are proud of the many pathway options our students have to complete an Applied Bachelor’s degree, at LWTech, and at in-state universities and colleges. All degrees, whether DTA/MRP, AAS-T or AAS, can fulfill transfer requirements at multiple institutions thanks to the articulation (transfer) agreements between LWTech and the transfer college. An applied bachelor's degree can improve your chances in the job market and help you make more money.
To learn more about transferring to another college or university, please visit our Transferring from LWTech page.