Re-Entry Support for Students Who Have Been Justice Involved

At LWTech You Belong

Welcome to LWTech! We are here to make sure your experience at the college is positive. We understand the transition from being justice involved to higher education can be difficult or intimidating and we are here to make it as simple as possible.

Required Steps to Attend LWTech If You Are Or Have Been Justice Involved

  1. If you are an individual with an RSO (registered sex offender) designation, there are some required processes which you can find in the Student Handbook.
  2. A few of our programs of study require background checks for clinical placements and you may not be eligible for placement or future employment in some situations. Each program webpage posts this information in the “At a Glance Section” or you can ask your advisor about your specific situation.

How to Become A Student At LWTech

  1. Connect with our Admission Coach for enrollment in general college classes.
  2. Connect with staff in the Academic Support Center for enrollment in our Adult High School options.

How to Apply for Financial Aid at LWTech

Applying for financial aid can be overwhelming, and we have staff in the financial aid office who can help you through the process and answer all your questions. The links below may also help with some of your immediate questions:


Additional Resources

LWTech follows to FERPA privacy laws and protects your information. This means we can only share directory information about you. We may not share confidential information about you, your enrollment, your grades, or other matters with a third party unless you give us written permission.

Colleges use many terms that might be new to you. The glossary is designed to simply explain some of the most common terms that are used on campus. If you ever have a question about a term used at the college, ask us; we are happy to help explain.

If you don't see a term on this list and you think it should be here, please contact the Vice President for Student Services: or (425) 739-8208.

See Glossary of Terms

There are many community resources that can help with your transition. One of the most comprehensive guides is the WA AppleSeed Re-entry Guide.