Resources & Support Services

Campus Support Resources

Library Resources

A collection of LWTech library resources related to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion available via LWTech Library.

Professional Development

LWTech's Professional Development center invests in the faculty and staff essential to student success by providing personal and professional development opportunities that support the core work of the college.

Disability Support Services (DSS)

LWTech is committed to providing full support services to all students with disabilities in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.



  • Black, Disabled, and Proud
    • A resource for Black and African American college students with disabilities, but with many resources that may be of interest to college students, parents, staff and disability service providers. 
  • Choosing an LGBTQ-Friendly College
    • A guide to choosing and LGBTQ-friendly college as well as an extensive list of relevant scholarships provided by online colleges.
  • Citizenship & Social Justice
    • The website of educator and writer Jon Greenberg that explores local social justice and race issues.
  • Coping with Race-Related Stress
    • The purpose of this brochure is to define race-related stress and the impact it can have on the academic and social success of students of color. Additionally, it will provide tips on how to effectively cope with race-related stress and maximize one's academic potential.
  • Implicit Bias Test
    • Project Implicit is a non-profit organization and international collaboration between researchers who are interested in implicit social cognition - thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control. 
  • LGBTQ Student Guide
  • Multicultural Student Services Directors Council (MSSDC)
    • Multicultural student services promotes the recruitment, retention and successful completion of educational programs for students of color.
  • Queer I Am
    • Student conference that aims to create a liberating space that engages Queer individuals and their many communities in developing a sense of belonging and pride in Queer culture.
  • Resources to Fight Bigotry Against Muslims
    • The Equal Justice Society is transforming the nation's consciousness on race through law, social science, and the arts.
  • White Privilege Conference
    • WPC is a conference that examines challenging concepts of privilege and oppression and offers solutions and team building strategies to work toward a more equitable world.