Event, Item, and Travel Funding

Office of Student Life and the Associated Student Government (ASG) set aside money from Services and Activities Fees so student leaders may form clubs and host different activities for students, or participate in professional development to enhance students' academic careers. 

This academic year funding for all clubs is limited to $7,000. Through the application process, these funds will be awarded to student clubs interested in hosting activities focused on community building, or attending professional development events.

A committee of LWTech students will review applications, score them on a rubric, and award money to requests based on their score and the amount of funds available. This committee awards along a funding spectrum to zero dollars to a high percentage of the total cost of the event. Funding is not always guaranteed.

Process for Requesting Funding

  • Any currently enrolled LWTech student involved in an officially chartered club.
  • Each request must have at least one faculty/staff sponsor who will attend the event/activity and one student planner.
  • The student planner listed on the request will receive an email from the committee after a request is submitted asking to confirm that they are a planner/sponsor.

Funds may be used for opportunities for currently enrolled LWTech students that are not requirements of an instructional program.

Community Building Fund

For community-building events that are strictly social in nature, and do not involve any professional development or intentional educational activity. 

Professional Development Fund

For a professional development or skill-building activity, including:

  • Training or test preparation (including paying for a trainer)
  • Industry site tour or field trip
  • Conference for training, competition, or research presentation (and associated travel)
  • Professional organization meetings
  • Professional organization membership for students
  • Supplies for a project or activity that builds skills

Events that include require additional permissions from the college. Please include additional processing time if requesting travel. 


Funds may be requested as "seed" money to build fundraising efforts. There are different deadline dates for this kind of request, especially if an item is being ordered that needs branding.

The committee will use a rubric to score each application. Include as much information as possible so the committee can make an informed decision. Applications will be scored on:

  • Quality of event (i.e., well planned, potential for high interest from students, unique opportunity)
  • Benefit to LWTech community (what students will learn from the event, how they can use that learning to benefit their fellow students)
  • Related to LWTech's mission, core themes, or values
  • Ratio of total funding requested per total number of students expected to attend

Applicants will receive an email on the decision date informing them how much money the committee has awarded the request.

That email will include instructions on the forms needed to complete in order to register the activity, make purchases, secure contracts, book travel, sign waivers, etc.


When To Request Money

In order to provide equitable opportunity to access funds and enough time to plan events, the committee will review applications when groups apply.

Event or Activity Deadline Dates

The following dates are built in deadlines for on or off campus events that do not involve ordering an item. Event examples are, end of quarter celebrations, lunch and learn meetings, bringing a speaker to campus.

Total available balance for all clubs is $2,000.

Please note that the following schedule includes dates in winter quarter for events scheduled in spring quarter. 

Week the Event is Scheduled
Funding Form Due
April 1 March 11
April 8 March 18
April 15 March 25
April 22 April 1
April 29 April 8
May 6 April 15
May 13 April 22
May 20 April 22
May 27 April 22
June 3 April 22
June 10 April 22



Travel Funding Deadline Dates

Traveling with your club is a great way to learn something through conferences or professional development meetings. Students in chartered clubs may request travel. However, due to the complexity of college travel policies more time is necessary to successfully process travel requests. Please note there are other processes for college travel, other than requesting funds. The Office of Student Life completes all paperwork for student travel when funded with these dollars. Travel funding can include covering expenses for the following:

  • Airline tickets
  • Conference Registration
  • Hotel reservations
  • Meals
  • Mileage costs

Any funding request should include all costs associated with travel. Most likely, not all expected expenses for travel will be covered by these funds and alternative plans should be made to cover all travel costs. Student groups may use fundraising programs to cover additional expenses.


Item Purchasing Deadline Dates

Purchasing branded items like t-shirts, pens, stickers, or mugs can often take an extended amount of time. The college orders from state approved vendors who produce quality items. Given the schedule of producing art, printing, and delivery, it could take between 4 and 6 weeks for final delivery. Please use the deadline dates when wanting to order branded items for a fundraiser.

How To Request Money

Funding application for events and professional development is online:

Apply for Money from the Fund


For more information or assistance with an application, contact Office of Student Life.