Student Employment

Working for Lions C.R.E.W.

The Lions CREW (Creating Resources for Equity and Wellness) provides events, activities, and resources for LWTech students that enrich our campus life and community.

The purpose of these events are to:

  • Connect students to our campus life and community.
  • Provide opportunities to meet and socialize with other students.
  • Introduce students to new ideas, cultures, and wellness strategies.
  • Support students' interests and identities.
  • Contribute to students' academic success through a sense of belonging and inclusion.

Why Work for Lions CREW?

  • Meet other students.
  • Flexible hours! Your work schedule is based around your academic schedule.
  • Contribute to and improve campus life.
  • Develop leadership skills & attend off-campus trainings and gain valuable employment experience.

We invite applicants of all identities, experience levels, and from any program!
Pay rate is $15.74/hour, for all positions in Office of Student Life.

What are the expectations of Lions CREW employees?

  • Work cooperatively to support Office of Student Life's purpose to involve all students in activities, events, programs, or services.
  • Attend and actively participate in all scheduled meetings, leadership sessions, and workshops. 
  • Be open to learning and growing while acquiring student leadership skills with on-the-job training and feedback. 
  • Maintain and post office hours to be available for job duties. Office hours are scheduled between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. A minimum of 14 hours per week and a maximum of 17 hours per week of work hours are expected. This includes weeks during the quarter. Between quarters, employees are not expected to work, but they may request the opportunity to hold hours to work.


  • Be enrolled at LWTech for 6 or more credits while employed.
  • Have at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average.
  • Have a government issued ID number.
  • Must not have any conduct code violation meetings pending.
  • Be technically proficient to complete assigned work including using Microsoft Office Suite and general knowledge of computer skills.
  • Must be able to attend mandatory training workshops during August through the end of September.


  • Enthusiasm to create involving student activities for the LWTech student body. 
  • Be culturally competent to work with a culturally and ethnically diverse student employee team. 
  • Effectively and efficiently work, ensuring all activities are creative in nature, consistent and organized.
  • Possess a willingness to work with groups in problem solving and decision-making to attain group goals and objectives.
  • Have demonstrated time management and teamwork skills. 

How to Apply

All applicants must apply online. The application outlines all requirements needed to complete the application. All applicants who fully complete an application will receive an interview.

Hiring Timeline

All completed applications will receive an interview.

Join Lions CREW Today!