

25Live Instructional Guides

25Live is a robust tool that allows us to create events for our website calendar, reserve rooms all over campus, reserve space and tables in the East Mall, and reserve laptop carts as well as fleet vehicles. The following instructional guides help simplify the processes for you.

Note: If you click on the "STAR" icon on the left hand side this will make whichever room/Vehicle a Starred (favorite) Location for future reference.

  1. Log into 25Live with your LWTech user name and password (same as the login for LWTech email).
  2. Click Locations button.
  3. Select the type of room you want to reserve from Your Starred Locations dropdown menu.
    1. For example, if you select Conference Rooms, you can view the list of all the conference rooms on campus.
  4. You can change the date and time using Checking Availability for: Date and Time link.
  5. Click the Request It or Reserve It button for the room you want to reserve.
    1. If you click a blue Request It button, your request will be routed to the room approver and you will receive and email confirming your reservation.
    2. If you click a green Reserve It button, your room is reserved and will appear on the calendar.
  6. Fill out the Event Wizard and then click Save.
    1. Be sure you finalize your efforts and Save before you leave this page, otherwise it will not complete.

Congratulations! You reserved a room in 25Live!

  1. Create an event by first reserving a room, following the Reserving a Room in 25Live Instructions.
  2. Follow the Event Wizard for instructions. Note the fields in the Event Wizard for publishing to the calendar. Enter the following:
    1. Event Name – event name as it appears in the 25Live system
    2. Event Title for WEBSITE Calendars – event name as it will appear on the website calendar.
    3. Select Expected Attendance to have at least 1, otherwise the event may not publish to the website calendar.
    4. Enter an Event Description in the following format:
      1. Short URL, if it exists and link the short URL (example:
        Be sure to NOT include the prefix http:// and www.
        If you need a short URL, please contact
      2. Short description of your event. Keep it to one or two paragraphs.
      3. Phrase or sentence linking to a relevant page.This could be the same as your Short URL from step (i) or it may be a different page on the website.
    5. Optional: You may attach a file to your event for users to download as a supplement to the Event Description, NOT a replacement.
      1. Be sure to always include the description (previous step). This will assure that the event is accessibility compliant.
      2. Be sure the supplementary file is accessible.
      3. Be aware the maximum file size is 25MB for PDF, TXT, RTF, JPG, PNG, GIF, DOC, DOCX, CSV, XSL, XSLX
  3. Check the box in Publish to Calendar section.
  4. Click Save to submit your event.
    1. All events must be approved by the calendar approver and be in the confirmed state in order for the event to be published to the website calendar.
    2. It may take up to one hour for the confirmed event to publish to the website once approved. If you do not see it after that, please contact

  1. Log into 25Live with your LWTech user name and password (same as the login for LWTech email).

  2. Click Locations button.

  3. Select Laptop Carts from Your Starred Locations dropdown menu.

  4. You can change the date and time using Checking Availability for: Date and Time link to reserve the cart.

  5. Click the Reserve It button for the cart you want to reserve. Your reservation request will then be forwarded to the Library who will approve it.
  6. Fill out the Event Wizard and then click Save.

Congratulations! You reserved a laptop cart in 25Live!

  1. Log into 25Live with your LWTech user name and password (same as the login for LWTech email).
  2. Click Locations button.
  3. Select East Mall Spaces and Tables from Your Starred Locations dropdown menu.
  4. To see the MAP of all Spaces and Tables, click on any location (blue hyperlink). You will see the list of all E180 locations: spaces and tables. Refer to the Formal Name and Max Capacity
    1. to reserve space without a table, select desired space.
    2. If you need tables, select table (you don’t need to reserve space additionally). 
    3. Max Capacity column shows the number of tables for tables, or number of people for spaces.
    4. Click the MAP to enlarge. Spaces are indicated by large pink font. Tables are marked by regular font and rectangular shapes representing tables.
  5. Click the Reserve It button for the Space or Table you want to reserve.
    Your reservation request will be forwarded to ASG for approval and to Custodial support who sets up tables.
  6. Event Wizard opens. In the Event Type, select Information Table/Table Sale, if you’re reserving table.
  7. Include Event Title for WEBSITE Calendars, if you wish the event to be published to Calendars. Also, write description in Event Description for WEBSITE calendars, when you get to that step of the Wizard later.
  8. Select date, time, and repeated occurrences in the next steps of the Wizard. You can also select a different location using Search for Locations drop-down menu, include resources, or attach files.
  9. If you’re reserving a table, put a check mark for Custodial support is needed for this event? in the Requirements step of the Wizard. Write a comment describing what you need, for example:two tables and three chairs. If you’re reserving space, place checkmarks and comments for all resources you wish to request.
  10. You can verify the information you entered in the box on the left side of Wizard.
  11. Save your event!
    1. Be sure you finalize your efforts and Save before you leave this page, otherwise it will not complete.