Spring Plant Sale

Spring Plant Sale 2025

Date TBA

Location: LWTech Kirkland Campus, Horticulture Buildings

The annual Spring Plant sale is a big event. Students grow over a hundred crops that every gardener will want. These include vegetables and herbs that grow exceptionally well in our Northwest Climate. Fuchsia baskets are a top-seller, as well as petunia, million bells and begonia hanging baskets, all dripping with flowers. The bedding packs for summer color are always popular and include impatiens, lobelia, snapdragons, dahlias and so much more. There will always be some old favorites at the sale, like trailing bacopa, as well as something new every year. You don't want to miss out on this exceptional community event!

Don Marshall Scholarship Plant Sale

NW Nurseries, a local wholesale nursery, is often on site at our plant sale raising funds for LWTech Horticulture Scholarships. Their sale features a wide variety of perennials, shrubs and trees. The plant selection is always surprising with unusual finds and beautiful plants. All proceeds from this sale support the Don Marshall Scholarship Fund. This fund gives full tuition to one Horticulture student each quarter. If you would like to donate directly to the Don Marshall Fund, please contact the LWTech Foundation.