Manage Course Reservations

This is an option for instructors to make course books and readings available to students through the library.

Course Reserve items are usually available to students to checkout for 2 hours and use in the library. Students must have a Student ID to checkout any item at the library.

Do you have an extra copy of the textbook or other required book for your class? Would you like to make that copy available for your students to use?

Here's how:

  1. Bring the item(s) to the Library Circulation Desk (T215)
  2. Request the item(s) be put on “Reserve” for student use
  3. Fill out the form we will give you (asking information such as who is leaving the book, what class it should be put on Reserve for, etc.)
  4. Wait 24 hours and the book will be available for students to use for 2 hours in the library