Financial - View and Consent for 1098-T


View View and Consent for 1098-T in Full Screen 

Important Note

The federal government allows you to claim tax credits for certain educational expenses through programs known as the Lifetime Learning tax credit and the American Opportunity tax credit.

After the end of each tax year, Lake Washington Institute of Technology is required to provide IRS form 1098-T to students who may qualify for federal tax credits. The form lists out-of-pocket tuition and related expenses. Follow these instructions to view and consent to receive your 1098-T online, instead of by mail.

Please Note: It is the responsibility of the student or other taxpayer to determine actual eligibility for tax credits. As a college, we cannot provide you with tax advice. You may wish to find out if you might be eligible by reading information on these websites:

You may also wish to consult the IRS or a tax accountant for help. Your own check receipts, credit card statements, or copies of receipts showing tuition and fees paid at the time you registered may support your claim.

Abbreviated Instructions (Student View)

  • Click ‘Financials’.
  • Click sub-menu, ‘View 1098-T’. 
  • Click ‘Grant Consent’ to receive your 1098-T via online access.
  • Select ‘Yes, I have read the agreement’ checkbox and click ‘Submit’. 

Continue for detailed instructions.

Step 1 (Student View)

On the LionsLink Portal, click on ‘ctcLink Login’.

Step 2

Enter your ‘ctcLink ID’ number, and click on the ‘Next’ button. Then enter your ‘Password’. Then click on the ‘Sign in’ button.

Tip: If you forgot your password, click on ‘Password Help’ to reset it. Additional directions can be found in the Reset Your LionsLink Account Password tutorial. 

Step 3

On the left side navigation bar, click on ‘Financials’.

Step 4

The ‘Financials’ tab will create a drop-down menu.

Click on ‘View 1098-T’.

Step 5

The page will display available 1098-T’s. 

A button allowing you to consent to view your 1098-T online becomes available if you have not viewed your 1098-T already. 

Click on the ‘Grant Consent’ button.

Tip: By granting consent to receive your 1098-T online, you will no longer receive a printed/mailed copy. You must grant consent to view your statement online. If you do not grant consent, you will only get a printed 1098-T. 

Tip: If you receive the message 'You do not have any 1098-T Data Available' then you may not have had any qualifying educational expenses (out of pocket) in the last calendar year. If you have any questions or believe this may be in error, please email the Finance Office at

Step 6

Select ‘Yes, I have read the agreement’ checkbox and click on ‘Submit’.

Step 7

A success message will display stating, ‘You have elected to receive your 1098-T electronically instead of through the US mail'.


  • If you are using Classic View, select the Financial Account tile. Then the ‘Account Balance’ page displays. From the left menu select ‘1098-T’ to expand. Click ‘View 1098-T’ to view or grant consent. 
  • Additional tax information can be found on the LWTech Tuition and Fees website.