Instructor's Tools

This page describes Library resources that may be of use to LWTech instructors.

On Academic Dishonesty & Plagiarism

Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty are covered in both the Faculty Guidebook (available on Canvas) and the LWTech Student Handbook. It is upon the Faculty to determine the course of action where Academic Dishonesty or Plagiarism has taken place, but should Faculty identify a case of Academic Dishonesty or Plagiarism they will contact the Vice President of Instruction to begin putting together a file describing the incident and course of action.

There are many tools available to track instances of Academic Dishonesty or Plagiarism. A freely available online tool is Paper Rater, which can check written materials for grammar, spelling, and plagiarism. Grammar Check is another free online tool that checks for grammar and spelling in student papers. As always, basic web searching through Google is available to identify signs of Academic Dishonesty or Plagiarism and is particularly useful for tracking plagiarism in paraphrasing. Faculty have access to librarians who can talk with their students about Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty/Citing Sources and demonstrate citation management tools to make citing sources easier. Librarians are available to speak to students about resources available to them and how to avoid plagiarism and workshops are offered on a quarterly basis for students and Faculty.

Using Library Resources in Your Course

Library materials are available for your use in classes through the databases. Our licenses to these materials allows you to use these materials with your classes without copyright infringement. Use the Library Search to find these materials or ask a librarian for help. Materials should be embedded into your Canvas course to restrict usage within the class in order to comply with licensing restrictions.

Copyright Information

Librarians in the Library can provide support and guidance around issues of copyright and fair use and can research copyright on specific content or find suitable alternatives should there be significant copyright restrictions.

The Copyright Clearance Center is a service that can help you produce printed or electronic course packets and handouts using books and other copyrighted materials for a small fee. The cost depends on the materials and publishers.

This is helpful if

  • You only need sections of a large book and not the entire book.
  • You need many articles from different publications.
  • You want different sections of many books but don't want students to have to buy more than one book.
  • The resource you want to use is no longer published or is hard to find but you want to share it with students.

To get started:

  1. Go to Copyright Clearance Center
  2. Type in the publication title or ISBN/ISSN and search
  3. Choose the “Pay-Per-Use Options” under the desired item
  4. Select the “Permission Type” and “Availability” of how you want to use the material
  5. Choose “Price & Order”
  6. Follow directions to get an immediate price quote

Video Databases and Access

The library uses Kanopy for live video streaming. If you have any questions or comments, please email us.

New York Times for Educators

Along with a college-wide (all employees and students) subscription to the New York Times, LWTech also provides access to New York Times in Education which includes Learning Network, a significant source of curated learning materials. Check out the Part 3 video below in particular to learn more about searching and navigating this platform.

Activating your NYT in Education account

Any student or faculty/staff member with a valid lwtech email may go to and search for Lake Washington Institute of Technology in the drop-down menu. From there, the steps to authenticate are fairly user-friendly and straightforward.

To access the faculty resources, individuals will need to go to and sign in with their LWTech email address. (This is a separate activation from the, which is also available to you as the full access to the NYTimes online newspaper.)