Apply for Admissions

Thank you for your interest in Lake Washington Institute of Technology. It is recommended to apply at least three months before the quarter you wish to begin studying at the LWTech. Applications are accepted for Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, and are due 30 days before the start of the quarter.

New Students

All international students must follow the steps outlined on this page to complete their admissions into Lake Washington Institute of Technology.

Step 1 - Submit an International Student Application

Students may submit their applications online OR via mail/email. Please choose only one of the two options.

Starts January 5, 2026

2026 Winter Quarter Application

Starts March 31, 2025

2025 Spring Quarter Application

Starts July 7, 2025

2025 Summer Quarter Application


Starts September 29, 2025

2025 Fall Quarter Application



Nursing and all Applied Bachelor degree programs have additional admission requirements. Please see those programs directly for specific requirements.

Step 2 - Pay a $50 Non-Refundable Application Fee

When your application has been entered into our system you will receive a nine-digit ctcLink Student ID number and directions to go online and pay the application fee.

Step 3 - Proof Financial Statement

Please provide an official financial support/bank statement showing a minimum amount of $25,730.00 (an additional $4,500 is required for each dependent).

Step 4 - Proof of Passport

A copy of the photo page of your passport (and passport of spouse/children if applicable).

Step 5 - TOEFL/IELTS Score (Optional)

Please provide TOEFL/IELTS scores for direct admission to degree or certificate program.

Step 6 - Transcripts in English (Optional)

Please provide transcripts in English. Required for High School Completion and transfer of credit.

Transfer Students

If you are an international student transferring from another U.S. Institution, then you will need to email for a Transfer Eligibility Form. Once completed please email back same email address.