Activities & Events

At LWTech, we provide an enriching educational experience where students can participate in activities on campus and in the community. Check out the different ways you can be involved in student life here at LWTech.

Quarterly virtual workshops and events:

  • OPT/CPT/employment workshop
  • Job Search Tips information session
  • Transfer workshop
  • Cultural Language Hour
  • Foundation Scholarship info session
  • LewerMark International Insurance info session


Associated Student Government (ASG)

The ASG provides opportunities for students to be involved in campus activities and represent the student population to the college administration. Once a year, the ASG hires students to serve on the ASG Executive Board.

Learn more about ASG


Campus Activities

Working with the ASG, many sponsors throughout the campus hold events and activities to help students socialize, build skills through workshops or enjoy cultural celebrations. Several events are held each quarter. 

Check out the campus calendar of activities and events 


International Students Club

The International Students Club is a student-led club that plans events and activities for international students, such as hiking, shopping trips and visits to Seattle.


Talk Time

Talk Time is an opportunity for English Language Learners to practice their listening and speaking skills outside of the classroom. LWTech faculty and staff volunteer to participate in conversations with our English learning students.