Graduation & Commencement

Congratulations! You're ready to graduate.

When you are ready to complete your degree or certificate program, you must submit several forms, along with your Graduation Application, Degree Audit, and Graduation Survey. Please follow the steps below to complete all graduation requirements. After you are approved for graduation, you may choose to participate in the annual commencement ceremony. 

Step 1 - Apply to Graduate

In order to graduate from LWTech, you will need to complete the graduation application. The application deadline varies for Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters. Please complete the application before each deadline. 

Graduation Application

Step 2 - Complete the Graduation Survey

Fill out this quick survey to help us understand more about your experience as a student at Lake Washington Institute of Technology.

2023-2024 Academic Year Graduates

Step 3 - Participate in the Commencement Ceremony

Congratulations on your academic accomplishments! LWTech is proud to offer a celebratory experience that honors all your hard work. This commencement ceremony is an opportunity to invite your friends, family and mentors to watch you walk across our stage! All students that would like to participate in the Commencement ceremony, are required to register for the ceremony. 

Note: Attending commencement does not guarantee you have graduated. Applying for your degree or certificate does NOT register you for the commencement ceremony. Students intending to complete their program in the fall, winter, spring, summer before, or summer after may participate in the commencement ceremony.

Learn About the Commencement Ceremony