

Generally, students are eligible for financial aid if they meet the following conditions:

  • Enrolled in an eligible program at Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech) for the purpose of obtaining a degree or certificate.
    • Note: students who must complete prerequisites or are conditionally accepted into a program are not eligible for federal and state grants; these students should check with the Financial Aid office to see what other types of aid for which they may be eligible.
  • Citizens of the United States or an eligible non-citizen.
  • Making satisfactory academic progress as defined by LWTech's Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (see below).
  • Not be in default on any student loans (in order to be eligible for federal aid), or owing a refund on any grants.
  • A high school diploma or equivalent (such as a GED diploma or certificate) is generally required to receive aid; however, students without a high school diploma or equivalent may receive aid under certain conditions if they are otherwise eligible and meet "Ability to Benefit" requirements (successful completion of at least six regular program credits).
  • ABED and ELL (formerly ESL) classes are not eligible for most federal and state financial aid at LWTech. Some lab classes are also not eligible; see the Financial Aid office for details.
  • Students with a bachelor's degree are not eligible for state or federal and state grants. (This includes a bachelor's degree or the equivalent earned in a country other than the U.S.) Students with a bachelor's degree may still receive federal Direct Student Loans, Work-Study, scholarships, and institutional aid if otherwise eligible.
  • Students may receive aid only for course work that is part of their program. 
  • Ethical Requirements: Students receiving financial aid must comply with all applicable federal and state financial aid regulations. Information supplied on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and to the Financial Aid office must be truthful and accurate to the best of the student's knowledge at the time the information is provided. Students purposely giving false or misleading information may be subject to institutional penalties as well as federal and/or state penalties, including fines of up to $20,000, sent to prison, or both. Financial aid must be used for direct or indirect educational purposes only, and may not be used for non-educational expenses such as purchase of a car or other vehicle, vacations, or recreational purposes, etc.

Enrollment Status

Because of limited funds, students will be awarded as full time (12 or more credits) initially. If there is a change in enrollment status, the Financial Aid office will adjust the student's award accordingly. 

  • Students who drop from classes after aid has been disbursed before or on the tenth business day of the quarter may owe a refund or repayment. The Financial Aid office cannot increase any awards for adding classes after the tenth business day of the quarter.
  • Students awarded a Washington College Grant may not receive funds in excess of their tuition and allowable fees. Washington College Grant Awards must be reviewed and adjusted, if needed, each quarter.

If a student is registered for less than 12 credits, aid may be prorated (reduced) according to each program's requirements:

SEOG and WA Bridge Grant are prorated based on enrollment level:

  • Full time: 12 credits or more
  • Three-quarter time: 9-11 credits
  • Half time: 6-8 credits
  • Less than half time: 1-5 credits

Federal Pell Grant, WA College Grant, and College Bound Scholarship are prorated based on a percentage (called enrollment intensity). For example, if a student were enrolled in 11 credits, they would be awarded 92% of a full-time quarterly award (11 divided into 12 = 92%).

Some programs require a minimum of half-time enrollment to be eligible (e.g. Direct Loans, Childcare Grant, Work-Study, see the Types of Aid webpage for more information).

Conditions of Award

By accepting state financial aid, you agree to the conditions listed below. If you have questions, please contact the Financial Aid office.

  1. You must meet the requirements for Washington State Residency.
  2. You do not owe a repayment to any state grant or scholarship nor are you in default on a state student loan.
  3. You must be enrolled in an eligible program and not be pursuing a degree in theology.
  4. If you hold a bachelor's degree or the foreign equivalent, you are not eligible to receive state grant funds.
  5. If you do not attend or if you withdraw from your classes, you may owe a repayment of all or part of any state funds you have received.
  6. You must maintain satisfactory academic progress (see policy below) in order to receive additional state aid.
  7. There could be other circumstances that would require a repayment or reduction in your current award amounts.
  8. You must meet all eligibility requirements for the state aid program(s) awarded.
  9. The offer of this financial assistance is subject to, and conditioned upon, the availability of funds. The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) and Lake Washington Institute of Technology reserve the right to withdraw, reduce, or modify the awards due to funding limitations or due to changes in circumstances that affect your eligibility for the program. 
  10. If you fail to cash your check containing state funds and they are returned to the college by the close of the academic year, the funds shall be returned to the program at WSAC and treated as funds declined by you.

You may choose to voluntarily make financial contributions to the Washington Student Achievement Council in recognition of the assistance that you received. All voluntary contributions will be used to provide financial assistance to other students. Please contact financialaid@wsac.wa.gov for more information.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students receiving financial aid are required to make satisfactory academic progress to continue receiving financial aid each quarter. Since satisfactory progress is a financial aid eligibility requirement, all quarters and all credits must be considered regardless of whether financial aid was received. The Financial Aid office reviews Satisfactory Academic Progress at the end of each quarter. The Financial Aid office's satisfactory progress requirements for financial aid, worker retraining, training completion aid, and most veterans' benefits recipients are summarized below.

What is the minimum grade point average I must receive quarterly? (Qualitative Measure)

All students must be in good standing with the college and maintain a minimum quarterly and cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0. Students who do not earn a 2.0 GPA (both quarterly and cumulatively will be placed on warning status for one quarter.

What is the minimum number of credits I must complete quarterly? (Quantitative Measure)

Students must complete the minimum number of credits required for the enrollment level they attempt each quarter.

If you enroll as: You must complete with at least a 2.0 quarterly and cumulative GPA: You will be placed on warning if you only complete: Your aid will be suspended if you complete less than:
Full-time (12+ credits) 12 credits/quarter 6-11 credits/quarter 6 credits/quarter
3/4 time (9-11 credits) 9 credits/quarter 5-8 credits/quarter 5 credits/quarter
1/2 time (6-8 credits) 6 credits/quarter 3-5 credits/quarter 3 credits/quarter
Less than 1/2 time (1-5 credits) Number of credits registered No warning allowed Number of credits registered

What is the percentage of credits I must complete while enrolled? (Pace of Progression Measure)

Students must complete at least 67% of credits attempted, measured cumulatively, to meet pace of progression requirements. Pace of progression is evaluated at the end of each quarter and is based on the total cumulative credits completed versus cumulative credits attempted. Students who do not meet the pace of progression standard will be placed on warning status for one quarter.

What is the maximum time frame I can receive financial aid? (Maximum Time Frame Measure)

Students have a maximum time frame for completing a program of study:

  • For both degree and certificate programs, the student must complete their program in no more than 150% of their program credits for federal aid, or 18 quarters for state aid.
  • Students who mathematically cannot complete their program in at least 150% of the federal maximum time frame allowed for their program are no longer eligible for aid. Students who have received 18 quarters of state aid (at any institution in any number of programs) are no longer eligible.

Satisfactory Progress Measurement Requirements

  • Grades of .7 to 4.0, "S", "P", are counted as passed or completed credits for Department of Education standards.
  • Grades of less than .7 and letter grades of "I", "IP", "Y","N", "V", "U", "W" and "Z" do not count as completed credits. Students may receive federal or state financial aid for a previously passed course (0.7-3.9) one additional time, if it was funded by federal or state aid. Students may continuously receive aid for a previously failed course that is repeated (0.0-0.6, or letter grades of "I", "IP", "Y", "V", "U", "W" and "Z"); however, students must still meet the maximum time frame measure as reference above.
    • Veteran benefits cannot be certified for repeated classes that are already successfully completed for graduation requirements.
  • English and Math classes, even below level 100, are included in GPA, qualitative, pace of progression, and maximum time frame requirements.
  • Transfer credits are not included in GPA, qualitative requirements or pace of progression requirements, but are included in maximum time frame requirements if applicable to the student's program.
  • Repeated classes, incompletes, and withdrawals/dropped classes are included in all measurements.
  • ABED and ELL (formerly ESL) classes are excluded from all measurements and are not eligible for financial aid.

Satisfactory Progress Limitations

Students who do not meet satisfactory progress requirements as noted above will be placed on warning or have their aid suspended. Students on warning or probation must meet all applicable satisfactory progress requirements in the next quarter to keep their aid. Unless there are unusual circumstances, students are not eligible for continued aid at LWTech when one of the following occurs (please see a financial aid staff member to find out if an exception can be made based on your situation).

Students are no longer eligible for aid at LWTech when one of the following occurs:

  1. Two consecutive quarters of unsatisfactory progress ("warning" status) have occurred.
  2. Less than 50% of credits for the minimum enrollment level attempted (or all credits for less than half time) in a quarter are completed.
  3. The maximum amount of eligibility is attempted (150% of credits for federal aid, 18 quarters for state aid) towards their degree or certificate has been used.
  4. A student cannot complete their program in the 150% maximum time frame (for federal aid) allowed due to pace of progression requirements.
  5. A student placed on probation after an appeal is approved does not meet satisfactory academic progress. Or a student placed on an academic plan does not meet the requirements of the plan.

When do I have to repay my financial aid? (Financial Aid Repayments)

Caution! If you take any of the following actions, you may owe a repayment of your financial aid to the college, the VA, the state, or the federal government.

  • Not attending some or all your classes
  • Withdrawing from some or all your classes (please see an advisor before you make this choice)

How do I get my aid back after being suspended if I DO NOT have unusual circumstances?

For students whose aid has been suspended, financial aid eligibility may be reinstated after the student has completed a minimum of 5 credits in one quarter at LWTech, at their own expense, and must meet all applicable satisfactory academic progress requirements at the end of the reinstatement quarter that was paid out of pocket (including qualitative, quantitative, pace of progression, and maximum time frame). A written petition must be submitted to the Financial Aid office to request reinstatement of aid. In some cases, supporting documentation may be requested. For some programs, awarding of reinstated financial aid is on a funds-available basis only.  

How do I get my aid back after being suspended if I DO have unusual circumstances? (Petitions)

In some cases, there may be extraordinary circumstances (beyond the student's control) that may be considered. A written petition must be submitted to the Financial Aid office to appeal a satisfactory academic progress suspension. In some cases, supporting documentation may be requested. Students must identify: 

  1. The unusual circumstances beyond their control that prevented you from making satisfactory academic progress, and  
  1. How the situation has been resolved so that you may be successful academically   

Ideally, SAP petitions should be submitted for a future quarter of enrollment. If your petition is submitted after first day of the quarter in which you are enrolled, the latest requests can be considered is two weeks before that quarter ends. 

Students with approved petitions will be placed either on probation or an academic plan. Students on probation who do not meet satisfactory academic progress, or a student on an academic plan who do not meet the conditions of the plan, will be placed on suspended status and are no longer eligible for aid. The Financial Aid office reserves the right to determine continued eligibility. Petition decisions are final. For some programs, awarding of reinstated financial aid is on a funds-available basis only.  

Will I owe money back if I stop attending classes? (Refund and Repayment)

Students who do not complete all classes funded by aid in a quarter are subject to satisfactory academic progress requirements and federal and state refund and repayment regulations for financial aid, as well as the college's own refund policy. Students must attend classes funded by financial aid. If attendance cannot be documented for the minimum enrollment level funded, aid may need to be recalculated and the student may owe a repayment to an aid program.

*For students who have received federal or state aid and have withdrawn before 60% of the quarter has been completed, aid eligibility must be reviewed and re-calculated on a pro-rated basis as appropriate. Students are also subject to the college's own refund policy.


Refunds for dropping individual classes funded by aid are determined by the college's tuition refund policy and regulatory requirements. A copy of the Financial Aid office's refund policy is available upon request. 

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at benefits.va.gov/gibill.