Program Outcomes

National Board Examination scores, graduation rates, and employment rates for this and other ABFSE-accredited programs are available in the Directory of Accredited Programs on the ABFSE website. To request a printed copy of this program's scores and rates, go to The Funeral Service Education Office, Room A109, Allied Health Building, or by telephone (425) 739-8155.

Program Information

Funeral Service Education Program Outcomes
Year   Total Enrolled  Number of New Students   Number of Grads  Timely Graduation1 Graduation Rate2 Did Not Finish3 Overall Percent Employed Employed In Funeral Service
2023 88 46 22 21/22 86% 15 86% 77%
2022 68 34 12 12/12 86% 11 83% 75%
2021 70 40 16 14/16 88% 11 94% 75%
  1. Timely Graduation = completed program in 1.5 times designated program length.
  2. Graduation Rate = percentage of students from original cohort who completed in the designated year.
  3. Did Not Finish = left before completing the program.

National Board Statistics - Arts

Single Year  School Pass Rate National Pass Rate
2023 Arts 95% 78%
2022 Arts 82% 69%
2021 Arts 93% 68%

National Board Statistics - Sciences

Single Year  School Pass Rate National Pass Rate
2023 Sciences 95% 69%
2022 Sciences 55% 64%
2021 Sciences 85% 57%

See Program Outcomes on the ABFSE Website