Digital Accessibility Committee (DAC)


To align college activities and practices with federal and state digital and content accessibility laws, regulations, and recommended practices, ensuring equal access to all members of our college community. 


Membership is open to any college employee. LWTech students are welcome to participate on the committee. Sign-up for each year's Digital Accessibility Committee will be during Fall Quarter Opening Week. 

Regular attendance and participation at Committee meetings is expected.

2024-2025 Committee Roster

  • Stirling Holland-Stone, Chair
  • Katherine Kelley, Co-Chair
  • Alex Sorrels, Web Editor
  • Chris McLain, Executive Cabinet Representative
  • Amber Wyman
  • Analisa Soverns-Reed
  • Emily Dunster
  • Erin Vasishtah
  • Jennie Fredrickson
  • Julie Boyd
  • Kai Russell
  • Mony Loeum
  • Rhonda DeWitt
  • Tien Do
  • Timothy Gracie


DAC meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at 3pm. Links to agendas, meeting minutes and meeting recordings can be accessed via MS Teams and require LWTech credentials and permissions to the MS Teams DAC Group. All current DAC members should have access to the group. If you cannot access the MS Teams Group, please contact one of the committee chairs.