Inside the Robert P Tjossem Welding Lab Dedication

Inside the Robert P Tjossem Welding Lab Dedication

LWTech is excited to announce the dedication of our welding lab in honor of Robert P. Tjossem. Naming the Welding lab after Tjossem, is a way for the college to honor his unwavering support of our students and the program. The event was attended by Bob Tjossem, and family, President Dr. Amy Morrison, Foundation Board Chair Dr. Dan Frost, Welding Professor Gayle Oney and students who have been recipients of the Robert P. Tjossem’s scholarships. LWTech Trustees Robert Malte, Randy Scott, John Suk and Laura Wildfong were also at the unveiling, as was Mack Hogans, who is a board member from the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, along with Bill Shelby, Ken Boyer, Walt Krueger, Nancy Stewart, Nolan Koreski, Lane Savitch and Dr. Gayle Shimokura from the LWTech Foundation Board of Directors 

The celebration wrapped up with student-led tours showcasing our state-of-the-art welding lab. We are deeply grateful for his generous support and contributions to our institute. 

Robert Tjossem poses with attendees at unveiling event.